How do you cite sources in an extended essay?

How do you cite sources in an extended essay?

When citing a source in-text, both when paraphrasing and quoting, you need to include the last name of the author (and in most reference styles: year of publication). When quoting a source, always include the specific page number from the source.

How is the IB extended essay graded?

All extended essays are externally assessed by examiners appointed by the IB. They are marked on a scale from 0 to 34. The score a student receives relates to a band.

Do citations count in word count IB?

No, in-text citations don’t count in any EE or IA word counts, as far as I know. The upper limit is 4,000 words for all extended essays. This upper limit includes the introduction, the body, the conclusion and any quotations, but does not include: the abstract.

How many pages should a chapter be?

10 pages

How do you end a scene?

Writing scene endings: 6 ways to entice readersEnd scenes with surprise. Finish a scene with a situation implying consequences. End scenes with suspenseful action. Finish scenes with a hint of what’s to come. End scenes with the tension of arrivals or departures. Finish a scene with the consequences of an earlier action.

What should happen in a chapter?

An ideal first chapter should do the following things:1) Introduce the main character. 2) Make us care enough to go on a journey with that character. 3) Set tone. 4) Let us know the theme. 5) Let us know where we are. 6) Introduce the antagonist. 7) Ignite conflict.