How do you create a sunburst in InDesign?

How do you create a sunburst in InDesign?

Turning Polygons to Starbursts in InDesign

  1. You can double-click on the Polygon tool to open the Polygon Settings dialog box. There you can choose the number of sides and the star inset.
  2. The second option is to hold down the arrow keys on your keyboard while you’re dragging out a frame with the Polygon tool.

How do you make cool backgrounds in InDesign?

How to Add a Background to an Image in Adobe InDesign

  1. Select the frame, then go to the Swatches Panel .
  2. The fill color is applied.
  3. Switch to the Direct Selection Tool and click on the image inside the frame.
  4. To change the transparency of the image, go to the Window menu and select Effects .

How do you make a starburst background in Illustrator?

How To Make A Starburst In Illustrator

  1. Open a new document in Adobe Illustrator.
  2. Create a circle in the center of your page by selecting the Circle Tool (L).
  3. In the Stroke dialogue box, select Dashed Line.
  4. Go to Object > Expand Appearance.
  5. Click outside of the shape to deselect the object.

How do you create a light effect in InDesign?

With the circle selected, go to Object > Effects > Outer Glow. Set the Mode to Hard Light, the Effect Color to Orange, and the Opacity to 100%. Increase the Spread to around 50%, before clicking OK.

Which tool should you use to create a starburst?

It’s easy to create a starburst shape using Adobe InDesign’s polygon tool.

How do you add a textured background in InDesign?

Click the “Direct Select” tool from the Tool palette; and then select the texture image on the document. Select “Transparency” from the “Window” menu. Click the text box next to “Opacity” to change the opacity value. Textured effects typically look best when they are more transparent than other items on the page.

How do you make a rainbow background in InDesign?

3. Pride Gradient Effect

  1. From the Swatches panel (Window > Color > Swatches), choose Create New Swatch.
  2. Choose New Gradient Swatch from the Swatches panel’s menu.
  3. Create a shape on the page you’d like to apply the gradient to.
  4. You can set the shape against a dark background for impact.

How do you make a glossy effect in InDesign?

How to create glossy graphics in Adobe InDesign

  1. Outlining live text. Begin by selecting your type that you want to make shiny with the direct selection tool.
  2. Creating the sheen.
  3. Using the pathfinder.
  4. Overlaying multiple sheens.
  5. Think about realistic highlights.
  6. Bigger picture.