How do you cut a string after a certain character?

How do you cut a string after a certain character?

To split a string at a specific character, you can use the split() method on the string and then pass that character as an argument to the split() method in JavaScript. /* Split string at specific character */ str. split(“,”);

What substring () and substr () will do?

The substr() method extracts parts of a string, beginning at the character at the specified position, and returns the specified number of characters. The substring() method returns the part of the string between the start and end indexes, or to the end of the string.

How do you split a string after a specific character in Python?

split() method in Python split a string into a list of strings after breaking the given string by the specified separator.

  1. Syntax : str.split(separator, maxsplit)
  2. Parameters :
  3. maxsplit : It is a number, which tells us to split the string into maximum of provided number of times.

How do you slice a string after a specific character in Python?

Use str. split() to remove everything after a character in a string

  1. a_string = “ab-cd”
  2. split_string = a_string. split(“-“, 1) Split into “ab” and “cd”
  3. substring = split_string[0]
  4. print(substring)

Which function is used to extract a substring?

Answer: Use the PHP substr() function The PHP substr() function can be used to get the substring i.e. the part of a string from a string. This function takes the start and length parameters to return the portion of string.

How do you get a specific string of a string in Python?

A common way to achieve this is by string slicing. MyString[a:b] gives you a substring from index a to (b – 1).

How to find the substring in JavaScript?

Optional. Zero-based index before which to end extraction of the substring.

  • If negative number is provided then it will treated as stringLength+endIndex where stringLength is the length of the string. Like stringLength+(-3).
  • If endIndex is not provided the substring till the end of the string is returned.
  • How to replace substring in JavaScript?


  • replace () The simplest way to do this is to use the built-in replace () function.
  • replaceAll () As of August 2020,as defined by the ECMAScript 2021 specification,we can use the replaceAll () function to replace all instances of a string.
  • How to find characters in a string in JavaScript?

    charAt ( position)

  • charCodeAt ( position)
  • Property access[]
  • How to check if two strings are equal in JavaScript?

    Check the types of x and y.

  • If x and y are numbers,it checks if either of x or y is NaN,and returns false if one is NaN.
  • If x and y are both null or both undefined,it returns true.
  • If x and y are both booleans,strings,or symbols,then it compares them by value.