How do you dump a database in Laragon?

How do you dump a database in Laragon?

Dump all databases:

  1. Start your current environment.
  2. Run: mysqldump.exe –all-databases > C:\laragon\tmp\alldb.sql.
  3. Stop your current environment.

How do I run a mysql dump file?

From the normal command line, you can import the dump file with the following command: mysql -u username -p new_database < data-dump. sql.

How do I export data from HeidiSQL?

CSV files are generated in HeidiSQL with a right-click on any data result, plus clicking “Export grid data”. Many other output formats can be selected there, amongst CSV.

How do I access a database in Laragon?

Like so:

  1. Click on the Database button in the Dashboard.
  2. Open the default connection (no password). This will open HeidiSQL.
  3. In the Query tab enter the command above and execute it.
  4. Reconnect.

How do I migrate to Laragon from xampp?

Dump all databases from WAMP:

  1. Start XAMPP.
  2. Run: mysqldump.exe –all-databases > C:\laragon\tmp\alldb.sql.
  3. Stop XAMPP.

How do I import and Export a MySQL database using HeidiSQL?

To import a database from a . sql dump file, connect to your new database using HeidiSQL. Select your database, and then then from the TOOLS menu, select “Load SQL file…” This will load your .

How do I Export HeidiSQL to excel?

Rightclick any grid and click “Export grid rows”. For importing use the main menu “Import” > “Import text file”. As said, that includes quite some risk of data loss for NULL values or wrong/unsupported string encoding. You should definitely use some direct grid editor, not Excel.

How do I run mysql in Laragon?

Go to laragon dashboard, and you will find the mysql 8 menu click on it to select the version and start the mysql server as you usually do. And it will start and run normal.

How do I start mysql in Laragon?

Introduction. In Laragon, updating MySQL to its latest version is easy. Just download the new version, unpack it into the right folder and select the new version in the Laragon menu.

How to add MySQL 8 to laragon?

Go to laragon dashboard, and you will find the mysql 8 menu click on it to select the version and start the mysql server as you usually do. And it will start and run normal. 1 Adding an Existing Project to Laragon 2 Adding PHP 8 to Laragon 4 more parts…

How do I reset the root password in laragon?

MySQL Reset root password In case you ever forget the root user password, Laragon provides an easy way to reset it. In the menu, select MySQL → Reset and generate a random password to root. The default user for any fresh installed database driver is username root with no password.

Is laragon the best local server for me?

AMAZING. Just saying thank you! Laragon is the best – and fastest – local server by far! @SniffleValve I used WAMPP & XAMPP with the known headaches that result from certain configuration issues such as being left in red or orange and not allowing work. Laragon works from the first minute and has well-coordinated tools. @BLGNet

What do you like most about laragon for local development?

Laragon – portable, isolated, fast & powerful universal development environment for PHP, Node.js, Python, Java, Go, Ruby. Productive. Portable. Fast. Effective. Awesome! I was using Xampp for local development until about a year ago when I found Laragon & I haven’t looked back since.