How do you install coil spacers?

How do you install coil spacers?

How to Install Coil Spring Spacers

  1. Loosen the wheel’s lug nuts while vehicle is still on ground.
  2. Raise vehicle with either a large floor jack or frame lift.
  3. Place jack-stands under the frame to support it and lower vehicle onto them onto them.
  4. Place jack under the axle and raise it until it’s bearing some weight.

Where do coil spring spacers go?

Spring spacers are discs that sit on top of your springs in a coil-equipped vehicle. Whether a solid-axle coil-sprung 4X4 or an IFS rig with coil-over-strut set-ups, they work under the same principle.

What do rubber coil spring spacers do?

Fixed amount of guaranteed lift: A spacer basically changes the height of the spring pad. A spacer will give a fixed amount of lift that will never change. The coil spring, used in conjunction with a spacer, can change lift height (due to wear or a change in weight), but the spacer will never change height.

How do you install spring boosters?

Insert the spreader to the point that the coil spring is seated into the spreader saddle. Turn the head of the bolt on the bottom until the spring is spread as much as desired and then tighten the plate nuts up so that they stay in place.

Do strut spacers increase ground clearance?

Registered. so yes, the lift spacers will increase the clearance under the truck, specifically it will raise the frame and front end.

What are shock spacers?

This is why most entry level budget boost kits include shock spacers. These are designed to allow you to reuse your stock shocks by simply spacing out the mounting locations. This helps preserve your factory ride as you are keeping a shock that has been engineered to work with the stock coil spring.

What do you need to install a lift kit?

First thing’s first, here are the tools you’ll need to install a lift kit:

  1. Vehicle jacks and jack stands.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Torque wrench.
  4. Socket wrench.
  5. Lug wrench.