How do you plant a turnip for a deer food plot?

How do you plant a turnip for a deer food plot?

Turnip seed is very small and should not be buried more than about 1/8 to 1/4 inch. I usually run my cultipacker over the food plot after dragging in the seed to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. Fertilize at planting with about 300 pounds of 19-19-19 per acre to get the plants up and running.

What can I plant on a logging road for deer?

A much better choice for deer and other wildlife are cool-season annual grasses such as winter wheat, oats, rye, and annual ryegrass. With adequate moisture they germinate and grow fast, providing a soil cover in just a few days.

What time of year do you plant turnips for deer?

Plant Turnips in the Fall Generally, the best time to plant turnips when you’re using them to attract deer will be the fall. You want to plant the turnips for the deer before you experience your first hard freeze, and this means that fall is the best time.

How many pounds per acre do you need to plant turnips?

Plant only 2 to 3 pounds of turnip seed per acre. The seed is very small, so barely cover it. Simply broadcasting seed onto tilled soils works well for many growers, especially on rough seedbeds where rainfall or irrigation washes soil onto the seeds for soil coverage.

When should I plant my deer food plot?

Late Summer Plantings are Ideal The end of July and early August is arguably the best time of the year to plant a food plot. Weeds will be dying, moisture will be on the increase and food plotting practitioners have plenty of months to prepare their next great food plot planting.

What to plant after logging?

Seedling wheat is a good attractant if it is fertilized appropriately. The clover will develop a good root system the first fall and produce much more forage the following spring. Brassicas are a good addition to the blend. However, they won’t provide the attractiveness during the early season that wheat would.

Do turnips grow back every year?

Turnips are hardy biennials, even though we treat them as annuals. They naturally flower and go to seed (bolt) in the second year. Bolting in the first year could be due to stress, such as caused by extreme temperatures (cold or hot) or lack of nutrients or water.

Can you plant turnips for deer?

Planting Turnips For Deer 1 Purple Top Turnips. In the eyes of many deer hunters and land managers, one variety of turnip stands above the rest, the purple top turnip. 2 When Should You Plant Turnips For Deer. 3 Planting Turnips To Maximize Hunting Success.

How do you plant turnips?

If you are using a pure stand of them, here are the steps to planting a good stand of turnips: 1 till the soil surface 2 use a cultipacker to firm the seedbed 3 apply 4-5 pounds of seed per acre 4 cultipack again to push seed into firm contact with the soil More

How many turnips can you drill per acre?

turnips can be drilled at 1/2″ with other seeds – when in a cover crop mix, use only about 3-4 lbs per acre There are 3,700 species of plants in the brassica family, or cruciferous vegetables.

Can you plant turnip seeds in the winter?

While turnips can survive the early winter, their seeds don’t germinate very well in cold soil. The best time to plant turnips for deer is when the soil temperature is above 50°F, and there should be enough time (about 55-70 days) between the planting time and when a hard frost happens.