How do you pronounce Strachan?

How do you pronounce Strachan?

Both /strawn/ and /stra-khan/ pronunciations are accurate and correct. It is equally proper to use the pronunciation associated with your family tradition. The modern two STRACHAN surname pronunciations are a beautiful example of Scotland’s turbulent past, and a valuable part of our family heritage.

How do you pronounce Toronto slang? states that it’s tuh-ron-toh with a short “tuh” sound at the start, the emphasis on the “ron”, and a long “oh” sound at the end. Don’t expect to find many in the city who agree, though. This particular “argument” goes way back and most likely further than we can particularly remember.

How do you pronounce Trethewey Toronto?

Trethewey Dr.: This stretch between Keele St. and Jane St. up near Highway 401 is pronounced Tre-thoo-wee, not Threth-away.

Why is the K in Etobicoke silent?

The name “Etobicoke” is a reference to trees The Etobicoke name with its bizarre silent “k” is derived from the Ojibwe word “wadoopikaang,” which is used to refer to a place where alder trees grow.

How do you spell STRACHAN?

Strachan is a surname of Scottish origin (see Clan Strachan, Strachan Baronets), which is pronounced /ˈstræxən/ or /strɔːn/.

What does the name STRACHAN mean?

broad valley
The name of STRACHAN is derived from three Gaelic words: The Gaelic word “strath” meaning “broad valley;” The main burn (or river) running through the village of Strachan is the Waters of the Feugh (today pronounced /few-ich/ with a guttural for the ‘ch’).

How do natives say Toronto?

– Wikipedia devotes an entire section to the pronunciation of Toronto saying, “Locals sometimes pronounce the city’s name as ‘Toronno’, ‘Trono’, ‘Toranna’, ‘Taranna’, ‘Chrono’, ‘Chranna’ or even ‘Terawhnna’?in each case, the speaker merely pronounces ‘Toronto’ in the way that is most natural in his or her dialect.” – …

What does Bucktee mean?

Bucktee: General pejorative. From Somali word for drug addict (but derogatory, like “crackhead”).

How do you pronounce Strachan in Toronto?

Strachan Strachan is pronounced “STRAW-n.” Here the letters -cha- are not pronounced.

How do you pronounce Balliol?

Break ‘balliol’ down into sounds: [BAY] + [LEE] + [UHL] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of ‘strachan’: Break ‘strachan’ down into sounds : [STRAWN] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying ‘strachan’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. You’ll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily.

How many Strachan’s in the world use the/Strawn/pronunciation?

Bearing mind there are vastly more Strachan families living abroad than actually living in Scotland today, the Society unofficially estimates that 70% to 80% of the global family of STRACHANs use the /strawn/ pronunciation.

Is it pronounced straan or straan?

Moreover, according to the Old Statistical Account, Vol. 5 (1791-1799) and the New Statistical Account, Vol. 11 (1845), and various other antiquarian sources, the surname and spelling of STRACHAN was popularly pronounced /strawn/ (spelt Straan) prior to c. 1850.

What is the name of the river in Strachan?

The main burn (or river) running through the village of Strachan is the Waters of the Feugh (today pronounced /few-ich/ with a guttural for the ‘ch’). The word Feugh, some suggest, is similar to the word Fiddich, derived from the Gaelic word Fiadh/Féidh-which is a generic word for deer.