How do you put a watermark behind text in Word?

How do you put a watermark behind text in Word?

On the Design tab, select Watermark.

  1. In the Insert Watermark dialog, select Text and either type your own watermark text or select one, like DRAFT, from the list. Then, customize the watermark by setting the font, layout, size, colors, and orientation.
  2. Select OK.

How do I remove the embedded watermark in Word?

Remove a watermark

  1. Select Design > Watermark. (In Word 2010 or 2007, select Page Layout > Watermark.)
  2. Select Remove Watermark.

Why is watermark behind text?

A watermark is a faded background image that displays behind the text in a document. You can use them to indicate a document’s state (confidential, draft, etc.), add a subtle company logo, or even for a bit of artistic flair.

How do I remove a watermark behind text in Word?

Open your Word document. Go to the “Page Layout” tab. Then from “Page Background” group, you can select “Watermark”. Then select “Remove Watermark”.

How do you put a watermark on certain pages in Word?

Select where you want the watermark to be on the page. Select Design > Watermark > right-click the watermark you want, and select Insert at Current Document Position. The watermark appears as a text box.

How do I add a watermark to the front of a table in Word?

Double-click near the top of the page to open the header. Click the watermark to select it. (Try moving the cursor over the watermark until the cursor displays a four-headed arrow.)

Why can’t I remove the Watermark on my Word document?

When you access the header of the document, expand the Select drop down at the right hand end of the Home tab of the ribbon and select “Select Objects” The mouse cursor will change to an arrow head and with that, you should be able to select the watermark that is in the Header and then press Delete.

What is watermark in MS Word?

A watermark is an image or text that appears behind the main text of the document. It is usually a lighter shade than the text, so you can read the document easily. Text Watermarks are often used to categorize or to show the purpose of a document with words such as DRAFT.

Why does watermark not appear on all pages?

Watermarks are built in the header and having different header settings can make them disappear on other pages. They are simply graphic elements that are in the header.

Why can’t I remove watermark in Word?

Fix 1: Recommended Method Open the concerned document. For latest Word editions, Select the Design tab (click the Page Layout tab For Word 2010 and Word 2007). Locate the Page Background tab and select Watermark. Select Remove Watermark.

Why is my watermark not centered in Word?

By default, a watermark is centered on the page, but you can place it wherever you want. You’ll need to open the header to select the watermark. Double-click near the top of the page to open the header. Click the watermark to select it.

Where do watermarks go in a Word document?

Watermarks go into the Header & Footer story of a Word document. When you insert an image into a document, usually you are inserting it into the Content story. Think of these stories as planes, layers, or levels that are staked upon each other. The content story is the “top” story or said another way it’s in the foreground.

Does Microsoft Word 2019 have a Watermark feature?

Regardless of the reason, whether you have the version of Office from Microsoft 365, Office 2019, or an older version, the desktop version of Microsoft Word includes the ability to insert a watermark on any document. The feature allows you to insert predefined styles or create custom watermarks using text and images.

How do I add a watermark to a page background?

In the “Page Background” section, click the Watermark option. Click the Save Selection to Watermark Gallery option. Confirm a name for the watermark. (Optional) Confirm a description for the element. Click the OK button. Once you complete the steps, the watermark will save, and you will be able to reuse it in future documents.

Why do I need to add a watermark to my Documents?

You may insert a watermark to make sure the user knows that the content should not be copied. Or other times, you may want to add a washout mark to include the company’s logo in the file.