How do you respond to merci in French?

How do you respond to merci in French?

The usual response to merci is de rien (You’re welcome – literally, It’s nothing) or il n’y a pas de quoi. In a more formal context, you could say Je vous en prie or Je t’en prie.

How do u say your welcome in French?

8 Ways to Say You’re Welcome in French: From Polite to Casual and Beyond

  1. The Most Popular: De rien.
  2. The Formal One: Je vous en prie.
  3. The Less Formal One: Je t’en prie.
  4. The Reassuring You’re Welcome: Pas de problème.
  5. The Casual One: Il n’y a pas de quoi.
  6. The Southern French Option: Avec plaisir.

How do you respond to de rien?

“Je vous en prie” is an expression that translates to “you’re welcome”. You can use in the place of “de rien” and it is slightly more formal. You can also use this expression when opening the door for somebody of showing the way to a table, for example. In informal situation, “Je vous en prie” becomes “Je t’en prie“.

Why does de rien mean you’re welcome?

from nothing
De Rien: The Most Common Way to Say You’re Welcome in French This is because the literal translation is “from nothing”. De rien didn’t start out as just two words, it was in fact part of a longer phrase to begin with but was shortened for ease.

What is the best reply to thank you?

Ways of accepting someone’s thanks – thesaurus

  • you’re welcome. phrase. used in reply to someone who has thanked you.
  • no problem. phrase.
  • not at all. phrase.
  • don’t mention it. phrase.
  • it’s no bother. phrase.
  • (it’s) my pleasure. phrase.
  • it’s/that’s all right. phrase.
  • it’s nothing/think nothing of it. phrase.

How do you say you’re welcome in French informal?

The informal “you’re welcome”: je t’en prie. Like ‘de rien’, which is certainly the most casual way to say you’re welcome in French, ‘je t’en prie’ is another informal way to respond to someone who expressed their gratitude towards you. It is most common amongst very close friends and family members.

How do you say welcome in Paris?

In France, Bienvenue means “Welcome”, as in “Welcome to France” or “Welcome to Paris”.

What is s’il te plait?

: if you please : please.

What does Darian mean in French?

De rien. Pronounced duh ree ehn, this simple phrase is the staple of ‘thank you’ phrases, literally meaning: ‘it’s nothing’. If someone thanks you for holding a door open or for picking up something that they dropped, de rien is the phrase that fits the bill. In informal situations, this phrase is very common.

How do you reply to thank you to seniors?

3 Answers

  1. “My pleasure.”
  2. “Don’t mention it.”
  3. “You’re [most] welcome.”
  4. “I’m glad I could help/be of help.”
  5. “Oh [no], thank you! Always at your service.”
  6. “It was not a problem at all. [I’m] glad I could be of assistance.”

Is sure a rude response?

Sure is used as “yes,” though it never means “yes.” Sure is a thumbs up to your face, and a jerkoff motion behind your back.