How do you treat staghorn calculi?

How do you treat staghorn calculi?

How are staghorn kidney stones treated? Because untreated staghorn kidney stones can cause life-threatening problems, healthcare providers typically perform surgery to remove the stones. The surgery is called percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Providers consider your treatment successful when all stones are removed.

What causes staghorn kidney stones?

Staghorn calculi are most frequently composed of mixtures of magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) and calcium carbonate apatite; they are strongly associated with UTIs caused by organisms that produce the enzyme urease, which promotes the generation of ammonia and hydroxide from urea.

What foods cause staghorn kidney stones?

Lower water intake, high levels of urine calcium, and excessive consumption of oxalate-rich foods like tomatoes, chocolates, eggplants, peanuts, beets, and spinach are responsible for calcium stones. Struvite Stones: These stones develop from urinary tract infections and are most commonly found in women.

Do staghorn calculi cause pain?

Unlike other urinary stones that commonly produce symptoms (eg, renal colic) that necessitate intervention, treatment of struvite stones often occurs in patients without classic signs of nephrolithiasis; this is because large staghorn calculi may not cause acute renal or ureteral dilatation and resultant pain.

How common are staghorn calculi?

Although kidney stones are commoner in men, staghorn stones are less often reported in men compared to women and they are usually unilateral [4–8]. Staghorn stones are infection stones in 49–68% of cases and, therefore, the term staghorn traditionally referred to struvite stone [9,10].

Are staghorn kidney stones Rare?

Can renal failure be cured?

There is no cure for kidney failure, but it is possible to live a long life with treatment. Having kidney failure is not a death sentence, and people with kidney failure live active lives and continue to do the things they love.