How do you use lumpy in a sentence?

How do you use lumpy in a sentence?

The entrance was quite lumpy with poor visibility across to the Isle of Wight. She usually finds her legs a little too lumpy , or her color a little too pale.

What do we mean by lumpy?

Definition of lumpy 1a : filled or covered with lumps. b : characterized by choppy waves. 2 : having a heavy clumsy appearance. 3 : uneven and often crude in style.

What things are lumpy?

Lumpy things are uneven and full of bumps or chunks. While lumpy oatmeal might be good, a lumpy mattress can make it impossible to get a good night’s sleep. It’s easier to play a game of croquet on a smooth lawn, rather than a lumpy field full of bumps and holes.

What type of word is lumpy?

What type of word is lumpy? As detailed above, ‘lumpy’ is an adjective. Adjective usage: I don’t know which was worse, the lumpy soup or the lumpy bed.

What is lumpy life?

And a lump in the oatmeal, a lump in the throat, and a lump in a breast are not the same lump. One should learn the difference.”

What is the sentence of smooth?

“Her skin feels very smooth.” “My skin became smooth after putting on lots of lotion.” “He made the wooden surface smooth with sandpaper.” “The wooden table was sanded smooth.”

What is lumpy water?

Lumpy is a three day celebration of sea kayaking! With coaching aimed at advanced beginners, early intermediates, and advanced level paddlers, Lumpy provides an unparalleled opportunity to improve your skills on the beautiful Oregon Coast.

What does lumpy mean in food?

adjective. Something that is lumpy contains lumps or is covered with lumps. When the rice isn’t cooked properly it goes lumpy and gooey. Synonyms: bumpy, clotted, uneven, knobbly More Synonyms of lumpy.

What does lumpy mean in cooking?

adjective. Something that is lumpy contains lumps or is covered with lumps. When the rice isn’t cooked properly it goes lumpy and gooey. Synonyms: bumpy, clotted, uneven, knobbly More Synonyms of lumpy. Synonyms of.

Is lumpiness a word?

Unwieldy or clumsy, especially due to excess weight: cumbersome, cumbrous, heavy, lumpish, ponderous.

What is the sentence of wrinkled?

Wrinkled sentence example. She wrinkled her nose and hacked at the grass again. Fred turned over a wrinkled nametag. Rachel wrinkled her nose.

What is the meaning of Lumpy?

Definition of lumpy. 1 a : filled or covered with lumps. b : characterized by choppy waves. 2 : having a heavy clumsy appearance. 3 : uneven and often crude in style.

What is the difference between Lumpy and uneven?

lumpy – having lumps; not smooth and even in texture; “lumpy gravy”. uneven – not even or uniform as e.g. in shape or texture; “an uneven color”; “uneven ground”; “uneven margins”; “wood with an uneven grain”.

What is a lumpy gait?

1. full of lumps: lumpy gravy. 2. covered with lumps, as a surface. 3. heavy or clumsy, as in movement or style; crude: a lumpy gait. 4. (of water) rough or choppy. lump′i•ness, n.

What did the gentleman with the lumpy forehead say?

But the gentleman with the lumpy forehead having for the time delivered himself of all that he found behind his lumps, spake for the time no more. But the lumpy gentleman, unwilling to give it up, again madly said, ‘ESKER,’ and again spake no more.