We all know that CCSP Certification is one of the best and most popular global credentials that showcase the highest and best standard in terms of Cloud Security expertise. It is designed by Cloud Security Alliance and ISC2 CCSP, the leading management for Cloud Computing Security and Information Security. If you pass out the CCSP Certification then it can prove that you have hands-on experience and in-depth knowledge with Service Orchestration, Operations, Design, and Cloud Security Architecture.
CCSP Certification Qualification Requirements:
- Users should have minimum of 5 years of the overall experience.
- Full-time or Paid work experience related to IT (Information Technology).
- Must have 3 years experience in IS (Information Security).
- At least one year of experience in any one of the CCSP CBK (Common Body of Knowledge within 6 available domains).
Tips to clear CCSP Certification
With the addition of the ISC2 CCSP official guides, you can also find below a few resources that are essential for your CCSP Certification:
- Top 10 OWASP.
- CCSRA (Cloud Computing Security Reference Architecture Guide) 500-299 NIST Special Publication.
- CCSR (Cloud Computing Synopsis and Recommendations Guide) 800-146 NIST SP.
- ENISA CSP (Cloud Security Publications).
- Top Threats of Cloud Computing named “Treacherous Twelve”.
- CSA Cloud Controls Matrix.
- Mobile Computing Critical Areas – Security Guidance.
- CSAEA (Cloud Security Alliance Enterprise Architecture) Guide.
- CSASG (Cloud Security Alliance Security Guidance) Version 4.0 v4.0 Guide.
It is recommended to include some video clips or guides along with your study plan. You can refer to the online trustworthy websites or reliable sources to get a quick summary of your guide. Make use of some mobile apps or books to perform some practice sessions. It is also essential to test your practical experience within Cloud Security sessions.
CCSP Domain Exams to test your knowledge
Find below a few lists of CCSP Domain Exams to test and identify your knowledge:
- Compliance & Legal.
- Operations.
- Cloud Application Security.
- Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Security.
- Cloud Data Security.
- Design and Architectural Concepts Requirements.
The format and structure may vary for continuously revising their ISC2 CSSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional) hence; it is advisable to check the CCSP official website to review the latest developments with up-to-date form. It is not similar to other time-pressured exam, so you can take your time to go through the questions & answers to ensure that you are providing the appropriate information to it. First, the wrong options need to be eliminated and decide to answer your best questions & move on to the remaining ones.
CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional) Exam – Preparation
When compared to the CISSP exam, the CCSP Exam will not be so tough and needs your own preparation. Understanding your CSSP exam details is the first step in your exam preparation module. A few of them are listed below:
- Students who are appearing for the CCSP exam should have at least full-time work experience with 5 years.
- 3 years of experience related to IS (Information Security).
- The exam includes 125 questions.
- The candidate should check the exam pricing on the official website.
- The exam duration will be 4 hours.
- It is essential to score at least 700 points out of 1000 to clear the CCSP exam.
CCSP Exam Information
- You can crack the CCSP exam with some of the following factors such as Consistency, Persistence, and Patience.
- Within 4 hours, you need to be thorough with entire exam topics to answer the 125 questions.
- It is most important to take into your account with official responsibilities and different personals within the according to work hours, adjusting the timetable, and time frame for three-months.
- Frame a timetable and work on it diligently.
- Book your exam date before 3 months and start your training session immediately.
CCSP Exam Strategy
The student should know the entire fundamentals related to virtualization technologies, encryption, and other difference between SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. The student should refer to the below-mentioned books to clear the CCSP exam with ease:
CCSP CBK (Common Body of Knowledge) with the Official ISC2 Guide – The first book to start your training session. This is the Sybex CCSP exam with the ISC2 endorsed study guide. Most of the organizations will gradually move their entire data to the cloud and as well as today’s world enormous significance is assumed by cloud security. The 2nd edition includes best practices, tables, illustrated examples, real-life scenarios, clearer diagrams, and many more.
Focus on Critical Areas of Security Guidance in Cloud Computing V4.0 – This is the next book, you need to refer to. The Cloud Computing fourth version to focus on critical areas of Security guidance will offer technologies-related guidance, integrates the latest research projects of Cloud Security Alliance, reflects the best practices of real-world Cloud Security, supporting technologies, Security, and also advances in Cloud.
The Treacherous 12 – The file can be downloaded directly from the CSA official website. This book refers to the top security risks and threats experienced by the organizations. It is most essential to revise before attending the CCSP exam.
Cloud Control Matrix (CSA) – The next file you need to download and review is the Cloud Control Matrix (CSA). This can provide proper guidance to Cloud customers and prospective vendors to access their entire cloud provider security risks.
Cloud Cube Model – It is essential to go through the Cloud Cube Model with the following sub-sections:
- Outsourced or Insourced.
- Perimeterized or De-perimeterized Architectures.
- Open or Proprietary.
- External or Internal.
Top 10 OWASP – OWASP is referred to as the Open Web Application Security Project. This is one of the best and most popular open communities that assist the organizations to work only with the trusted applications. It can also list the top-most 10 critical-based security risks of web applications. A few risks are sensitive data exposure, broken authentication, injection, and many others.
NIST Publications – It is also advisable to review and familiarize yourself with the following books:
- Full Virtualization Technologies Security Guide – NIST 800-125
- Public Cloud Computing in Security & Privacy Guidelines – NIST 800-144.
- Cloud Computing Recommendations & Synopsis – NIST 800-146.
ISC2 CCSP Electronic Flash Cards – Students can download the file from the ISC2 official website. This study tool is essentially designed for attending the CCSP exam. It is an interactive and unique process to test the student’s knowledge with regards to various CCSP domains and industry terms. Students can also access this study tool through the Quizlet App on your iOS & Android mobile phones.
Important Sources – Once you are done with the above-mentioned resources then it is mandatory to check CCSP exam knowledge from the following sources:
- Practical Exams with 1st Edition of CCSP (Certified Cloud Security Professional Exam).
- Practicing Tests with 1st Edition of official CCSP.
Since Cloud Computing is referred to as a rapidly changing field, you can also refer to other various sources to keep you updated with regards to technological aspects and other current trends as well. Students can follow the provided resources and will definitely clear the CCSP exam in their first attempt.