How long can you live with Stage 4 secondary liver cancer?
In one small study of people with metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma, those whose liver cancer had spread to their lymph nodes or distant organs had an average survival rate of 4 and 11 months, depending on the severity of their liver damage and whether they received treatment.
How long can you survive with secondary liver cancer?
Without treatment, the median survival for stage B liver cancer is 16 months. With treatment, the median survival for stage B liver cancer is 20 months. To treat stage B liver cancer, you might have chemotherapy directly into the blood vessel feeding the tumour in the liver and blocking off the blood supply.
What is Stage 4 secondary liver cancer?
The cancer cells that develop in liver metastases are not cells from the liver. They are cells from the part of the body where the cancer first developed. Since the cancerous tumors have spread to the liver from another part of the body, a doctor may refer to liver metastases as stage 4, or advanced cancer.
How long do you have to live with liver cancer?
The median survival rate for stage A liver cancer is 3 years, without treatment. About 50 – 70% people will survive stage A liver cancer for 5 years or more, with treatment. The median survival rate for stage B liver cancer is 16 months, without treatment.
What are the stages of liver cancer?
Dull or aching pain in the top right of the tummy
What to expect when dying of liver cancer?
Worsening weakness and exhaustion.
What to expect after a liver cancer diagnosis?
After a liver cancer diagnosis, which may include liver cancer blood tests, ultrasound, and MRI, you’ll have important decisions to make regarding your treatment. Learn what to expect and questions to ask your doctor about your liver cancer symptoms, treatment and prognosis.