How long is Phase 2 on the HCG diet?

How long is Phase 2 on the HCG diet?

HCG Phases – Phase 2: These are days 3-30 (or 40 depending on your specific program). You continue doing your HCG injection daily at this point. Your diet is reduced to 500 calories daily and no exercise is required (in fact it is discouraged, only light cardio permitted, no strength training).

Can you eat broccoli on Phase 2 HCG?

One low-calorie vegetable is allowed as part of both lunch and dinner. Recommended veggies include celery, spinach, fennel, cauliflower, chard, onions, beet greens, cucumbers, green salad, mixed greens, cabbage, red radishes, shallots, asparagus, tomatoes and broccoli, according to

How long should I be on hCG for?

Start taking hCG and eat plenty of high fat, high calorie foods for 2 days. Weight loss phase. Continue taking hCG and eat only 500 calories per day for 3 to 6 weeks. Maintenance phase.

How long can I stay on hCG?

3-6 weeks
How long can you stay on hCG injections? The weight loss phase typically lasts for 3-6 weeks and involves daily injections of hCG. In addition, you will eat 2 small meals with a strict 500-calorie limit each day.

Can you have cheese on HCG phase 2?

You should ideally choose lean options such as white fish and chicken. Dairy should ideally be avoided in Phase 2, with the exception of skim cottage cheese permitted as a protein serving.

Can I have nuts on HCG phase 2?

Keri Gans, RD, a New York–based dietitian, notes that the diet does not allow any of the following: Fatty Foods Fatty fish, nuts, or anything made with oil. Starchy Vegetables Potatoes, for example. Added Sugar Not permitted in any form.

Can I have green beans on HCG phase 2?

Some companies that sell HCG will try to make the HCG Diet seem more appealing by allowing other foods such as green beans, cauliflower, blueberries, turkey, etc. Please be aware that these foods are NOT allowed on Phase 2 of the HCG Diet.