How many isotopes is Cm?

How many isotopes is Cm?

Fourteen isotopes of curium are now known ranging in mass from 237 to 251. The most stable, 247Cm, with a half-life of 16 million years, is so short compared to the earth’s age that any primordial curium must have disappeared long ago from the natural scene.

How many electrons does curium have?

Curium Properties

Electrons: 96
Protons: 96
Neutrons: 151
Electron Configuration: [Rn] 5f7 6d1 7s2
Atomic Radius: 174 pm

What is the atomic mass of curium?

96Curium / Atomic number

How was curium created?

Curium was first made by the team of Glenn Seaborg, Ralph James, and Albert Ghiorso in 1944, using the cyclotron at Berkeley, California. They bombarded a piece of the newly discovered element plutonium (isotope 239) with alpha-particles.

What is curium used in?

Currently, curium is used primarily for basic scientific research. Some of its isotopes, however, have proven uses. Cm generates about three watts of thermal energy per gram, more than plutonium produces. Both 242Cm and 244Cm have been used as power sources for space and medical practices.

What does curium look like?

Curium is a hard, dense radioactive silvery-white metal. It tarnishes slowly in dry air at room temperature. Most compounds of trivalent curium are slightly yellow in color. Curium is highly radioactive and it glows red in the dark.

Where is curium on the periodic table?

curium (Cm), synthetic chemical element of the actinoid series of the periodic table, atomic number 96.

What is unique about curium?

The longest-lived isotope is curium-247, with a half-life of 15.6 million years. Man-made isotopes that are created in kilogram quantities are curium-242 (half-life: 163 days) and curium-244 (half-life: 18 years). Curium is the most radioactive element that can be isolated.

Does curium glow in the dark?

Curium is one of several actinide metals that glow in the dark. Others include einsteinium and actinium. Curium also produces heat energy and can boil water.

How is curium harmful to humans?

If absorbed in to the body, curium accumulates in the bones. Its radiation destroys red blood cell formation. Consequently, curium is considered very toxic.

Can you show me the symbol for nobelium?

NoNobelium / Symbol

What family is curium in?

Curium (pronounced as KYOOR-ee-em) is a radioactive metal belonging to the family of actinide metals and denoted by the chemical symbol Cm.