How many tourists visit Lake District annually?

How many tourists visit Lake District annually?

Current surveys show that 15.8 million visitors come to the Lake District each year. Most come to enjoy the scenery, peace and quiet and walking but many others visit specific attractions or take part in an outdoor activity.

How many people visit the Lake District every day?

In 2017 Cumbria and the Lake District received over 47 million visitors, made up of 40.7 million day trippers and 6.6 million overnight visitors. Between them, day and staying visitors combined to produce 62.7m tourist days.

How much money does tourism bring to the Lake District?

These visitors brought in £3 billion to the region’s economy and provided employment for 37,766 full time equivalent (FTE) posts. As many tourism jobs are actually part time, or seasonal, the total number of people in tourism jobs is estimated at 64,940, around 20% of the county’s total employment.

Why is the Lake District so popular among tourists?

Tourists from all over the world visit the Lake District National Park for its spectacular scenery, wildlife, history and culture. Tourism is vital to the economy of the area, providing employment and supporting services in local communities.

Is there only 1 lake in the Lake District?

Lakes & Tarns in the Lakes District & Cumbria Only one, Bassenthwaite Lake, is officially a lake by name, the others are meres or waters. Illustrated guides to each of the Lake District lakes can be found below. Private powered craft are only allowed on Windermere, Coniston Water, Ullswater and Derwentwater.

What is the population of the Lake District?

The English county of Cumbria is located in North West England and has a population of 496,200 (making it the 41st most populous county in England). Cumbria has an area of 6,768 km², making the county England’s 3rd largest county….Density.

District Allerdale
Population Density 77 / km²
Population 96,300
Area 1,553.39 km²

Who owns the Lake District?

The National Trust owns around 25% of the total area (including some lakes and land of significant landscape value). The Forestry Commission and other investors in forests and woodland. United Utilities (owns 8%) Lake District National Park Authority (owns 3.9%)

What is the main industry in the Lake District?

Tourism is the main source of income for Lake District economy. Tourism brings great benefits to the area. Visitors spend money on accommodation, food, drink and leisure activities and indirectly support other business such as wholesalers and the building trade.

Why is the Lake District so special?

The Lake District is well known for its fantastic trails and mountains you can hike, such as Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England which stands at 978 metres tall. Simple and easy walks are perfect for beginners, while more demanding trails are ideal for those seeking a challenge.

Is the Lake District worth visiting?

How many bodies of water are there in the Lake District?

sixteen lakes
Lakes & Tarns in the Lakes District & Cumbria There are sixteen lakes in the Lake District, the largest being Windermere. Only one, Bassenthwaite Lake, is officially a lake by name, the others are meres or waters. Illustrated guides to each of the Lake District lakes can be found below.

How many tourists visit the Lake District each year?

Tourism income: In 2018 visitors spent £1.48 million in the Lake District Visitor numbers: In 2018, 19.38 million tourists visited the Lake District Tourist Days: In 2018, there were 28.55 million tourist days in the Lake District Source for all figures: STEAM 2018: Cumbria Tourism

What is the Lake District destination report?

The Lake District destination report 1 The Lake District destination report 2 VisitEngland Destination tracker: •Since April 2015, the national tourist boards of VisitEngland, VisitScotland and VisitWales have been tracking visitor perceptions of holiday destinations across GB in a single research vehicle.

Who is the Lake District meant to be for?

Source for all figures: STEAM 2018: Cumbria Tourism Like all of our National Parks, the Lake District is meant to be for everyone. We are working to ensure that the area is accessible to anyone who wishes to make use of it.

What is the main source of income for Lake District economy?

Tourism is the main source of income for Lake District economy. Tourism brings great benefits to the area. Visitors spend money on accommodation, food, drink and leisure activities and indirectly support other business such as wholesalers and the building trade.