How many WYD have there been?

How many WYD have there been?

Chronology of celebrations

# Year Attendance
13 2011 1,400,000- 2,000,000
14 2013 3,700,000
15 2016 3,500,000
16 2019 700,000

Is World Youth Day every year?

Pope Benedict making his speech during the World Youth Day event in August 2011, Madrid, Spain. Since 1987 World Youth Day has been celebrated annually on Palm Sunday in every diocese.

When and where will the next World Youth Day be celebrated?

Originally scheduled to be held in August 2022, the Holy See announced on April 20, 2020, that it will be postponed until August 2023 due to the 2019–22 coronavirus pandemic, in which will held on August 1st–6th, 2023.

What is special about the WYD Icon?

It has been seen as a true sign of faith. It has been carried on foot, by boat and even by unusual means such as sledges, cranes and tractors. It has been through the jungle, visited churches, juvenile detention centres, prisons, schools, universities, hospitals, monuments and shopping centres.

Has WYD ever been held in Australia if so when?

World Youth Day 2008 was a Catholic youth festival that started on 15 July and continued until 20 July 2008 in Sydney, Australia. It was the first World Youth Day held in Australia and the first World Youth Day in Oceania. This meeting was decided by Pope Benedict XVI, during the Cologne World Youth Day of 2005.

What is the WYD Cross?

World Youth Day is accompanied and represented by two symbols: the pilgrim cross and the icon of Our Lady Salus Populi Romani. In the months leading up to each WYD, the symbols set out on a pilgrimage to proclaim the Gospel and to accompany young people and their realities in a particularly special manner.

What is a WYD pilgrim?

World Youth Day (WYD) WYD pilgrimages provide young people the chance to encounter holy sites around the world, mission opportunities along side people at the peripherals of our world, and a global celebration of faith with their peers.