How much does a level 15 cannon cost?

How much does a level 15 cannon cost?


Level Damage per Second Cost
13 100 2,000,000
14 110 3,000,000
15 118 4,500,000
16 124 7,000,000

What is the max level for cannons in clash of clans?

20 upgrade levels
The Cannon and Archer Tower have 20 upgrade levels, the most of any building in the game, if we do not count the separate upgrades of the Town Hall’s Giga Tesla and Giga Inferno.

What is the max cannon level for th12?

The max level of the mortar is 12 while that of the walls is 13. The max level of the Wizard Tower is 11 while that of the Air Defense, and Hidden Tesla is 10….Max Levels of Defenses in TH12.

Defense Max Level
Cannon 17
Archer Tower 17
Mortar 12
Walls 13

How do you destroy a cannon in clash of clans?

Strong solo troops such as the Super Barbarian or Valkyrie can destroy a Cannon even when surrounded by trash buildings if it has low support.

What is the max level cannon for TH10?

Max Levels of Defenses in TH10 The max level of cannons and archer towers is 13.

Should I gear up my cannons?

A general recommendation I have for geared up Cannons and Archer Towers is have the ones that are closer to the edge of your base in the geared up mode. Defenses closer to the edge of your base already cover less, so your “defensive range” will be hurt less from it.

What is Max Cannon for TH10?

How long does Town Hall 12 take to Max?

How long does it take to max Town Hall 12 with an active gold pass? When a player has a gold pass, the process of maxing the Town Hall 12 base would take around 8-10 months. If the player is very active in the game, it would take less than 8 months in maxing the Town Hall 12 base.

What are max troops for TH12?

Town hall 12 max troop levels of elixir units

Town Hall 12 Troops TH12 Troop Levels
Barbarian 9
Archer 9
Giant 9
Goblin 8

Should you gear up cannons?

What is the max Archer queen level for TH11?

Barbarian king and archer queen both reach a maximum level of 65, which are dark elixir upgrades.

What is a cannon in Clash of clans?

It is the first defensive structure that a player builds at the start of their Clash of Clans adventure. The player is required to build one during the tutorial. Cannons are both cheap and quick to upgrade at lower levels.

How do I upgrade the cannon in Clash Royale?

In Clash Royale, the Cannon resembles a level 4 Cannon from Clash of Clans. Tapping this icon displays information about the Cannon, such as Level, Damage Per Second, Hitpoints, Range, Damage Type and Targets. Tapping this icon begins upgrading the Cannon to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Master Builder or O.T.T.O.

What do the icons on the cannon mean in Clash Royale?

In Clash Royale, the Cannon resembles a level 4 Cannon from Clash of Clans. Tapping this icon displays information about the Cannon, such as Level, Damage Per Second, Hitpoints, Range, Damage Type and Targets.

What level do you need a double cannon to build walls?

This also requires at least one Double Cannon in the Builder Base to be level 4 or higher, which requires Builder Hall 4. Cannons have a high rate of fire and a decent range, which makes them an ideal deterrent for Wall Breakers (which have very low hitpoints).