How much does it cost to get a fur tanned?

How much does it cost to get a fur tanned?

Standard Tanning

75+ PELTS 11 to 74 FUR TYPE
$16.50 $19.00 Red Fox, Grey Fox, Fisher
$20.00 $24.00 Badger, Coyote, Farm Fox
$22.50 $25.00 *Bobcat, *Lynx, *Otter (*Must have CITES tag on pelts)
$24.00 $26.00 Beaver Premium Tan

How much are tanned hides worth?

The price you ask for it is totally up to each you. It’s going to cost you about $15 to get a raccoon hide tanned. You could expect to get $30 for it when you go to sell it, maybe less for small raccoons depending on the buyer. You might get $5 for a finished ‘coon at auction, if it is in the absolute best condition.

How much does it cost to tan a bobcat?

Wholesale prices for taxidermist only.

Animal Full Mount Hide
Cat -Ringtail $50
Cat -Bobcat/Wildcat $50
Cow $720 $11.00 sf
Coyote $55

How much is it to tan a coyote hide?

Re: How much to get a coyote hide tanned? Moyles tannery in ID charges $22.00 for a single coyote. They do nice work.

What is a wet tan?

Wet tanning is a method specific for taxidermy purposes. Hides/capes are tanned with a level of moisture remaining in the skin upon completion, the skins are then bagged and kept frozen.

What is a raccoon hide worth?

Raccoon – There is an abundant supply of raccoon pelts in cold storage throughout North America, and demand for most coons continues to be low. The biggest and best prime coons may bring more than $10, middle of the road coon may average $5, and small or low quality coons will bring $1-3, if they sell at all.

Can I sell deer hides?

The most important thing to remember when selling or trading your deer hides is to keep them fresh and pliable. Fur buyers can’t use them if they are hard little dried out rocks of rawhide. Your buyer can’t use them if they are green, slimy, stinky messes.

How do you tan a coyote?

Warm tanning oil on a stove and use a soft brush to apply the oil to the skin. Allow the skin to absorb the oil and repeat the process until the skin will no longer accept oil. Leave the hide to dry for several extra days before removing the nails and using the hide.

How do you skin a coyote for Pelt?

When you reach the ears, cut them off next to the skull instead of trying to skin them out. The small amount of flesh in the ear will soon rot out, not damaging the pelt. Continue on down the face cutting and pulling to the nose. Pull the hide off the nose and the coyote is completely skinned.

How do you tan a coyote hide?

What is tanned wild fur used for?

Tanned Wild Fur These professionally tanned, garment grade, wild furs are excellent decorative pieces for houses, offices, stores, restaurants, lodges, cabins and camps with an outdoor theme. Garment tanning produces soft, supple leather and bright fur. These tanned wild furs look great as wall hangings or draped across furniture.

Do you alum-Tan at your own tannery?

Although some of our more exotic species are obtained through other means, we alum-tan much of our inventory ourselves at our own tannery. The tanned hides and peltries shown here represent our usual inventory; however, we encourage you to contact us about current availability. And if you’re looking for something specific, let us know.

How to ship raw fur for tanning?

Shipping raw fur for tanning 1. Insulate your box – place your hides in a foam cooler and then place that in a box or wrap your hides heavily in news… 2. Guarantee your shipment – Unless you use a guaranteed 2 day air shipping service your package may take longer and is… 3. Ship your pelts out