How much is a white Bengal cat worth?

How much is a white Bengal cat worth?

$1,500-$2,000: A good average price. $2,000-$2,500: On the higher side, but still a very fair price for a Bengal kitten in 2022. Likely from an established breeder with decent demand.

Can you get a white Bengal cat?

Breeders have long attempted to bring the characteristic white-spotted tummy of Asian Leopard Cats into the Bengal breed, but it is still exceedingly rare, and these cats are thus highly prized varieties.

What is the rarest color in Bengal cats?

A type called “snow Bengal cat” is the rarest one because it has a silver variant in its coat. The silver variant came from the cross of leopard cat and Siamese cat (which is a rare species). The second rarest type of Bengals after the snow variant is the spotted Bengal cat.

How much is a Bengal cat for?

The price of a Bengal kitten in India ranges between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 500,000. Its price varies dramatically because of factors such as pedigree, the breeder you buy from, and the cat’s sub-breeds.

Are Melanistic Bengals rare?

The Black (Melanistic) Bengal cat But you can still see the pattern in daylight like you would on a black panther. Black colored Bengals are rare and less popular amongst breeders because this color variation is not approved by the associations.

Are silver Bengals rare?

Silver Bengal cats are rare to find. Many even consider normal brown-colored Bengal cats as rare. In comparison to the brown Bengal cats, Silver Bengal cats are certainly rare. Keep in mind that silver is a new color pattern in Bengal cats—it was only recognized into the Bengal cat breed in 2004, as said earlier.

How can I tell if my Bengal cat is real?

Bengals and domestic tabbies both have spotted bellies. But Bengals have no white on their body, other than possibly in their chin or whisker pad area or on their belly. A Bengal cat’s fur is very soft and short.

Where can I buy a Bengal cat?

If you’ve been asking “where can I buy a Bengal cat”, then hopefully you can see from this article that there are a lot of choices. We recommend you start by Googling ‘Bengal cat breeders in your area’ (replace ‘in your area’ with your location name, e.g. ‘Bengal cat breeders New York city’).

Where to buy Bengal cats?

– Are you looking for more information on Bengal cats? Please read our BLOG . – Are you new to Quality Bengal Kittens? Find out what makes us different – and check out our unsolicited reviews on Facebook. – Are you unsure of how the Waiting List works? Read about Buying a Bengal Kitten. – Are you ready to join our Waitlist? Please complete a Kitten Application .

How much do Bengal cats cost?

When looking for a bengal cat to buy, you may be surprised by how much their price tag is up front. Bengal kittens cost around $1,500 – $3,000, and adult bengal cats cost around $500 – $1,500.

How big will a full grown Bengal cat be?

While a full-grown and healthy female Bengal cat should grow up to a height of 7 – 9 inches (17.78 – 22.86 cm) or more. A full-grown male Bengal cat should have a body length of about 14 -18 inches (36-46 cm) or more. While a full-grown female Bengal cat should have a body length of about 14 -16.5 inches (36 – 41.91 cm) or more.