How much is Macintosh 128K worth?

How much is Macintosh 128K worth?

Macintosh 128K Priced at $2,500, it featured a nine-inch black-and-white screen, two serial ports and a 3.5-inch floppy disc slot. Although Zufi has seen some sell for more than $2,500, he estimates that “an original 1984 Mac will generally go for anywhere between $1,500 and $2,000.”

Why is the Macintosh 128K important?

January 24, 1984: Apple ships its first Mac, the mighty Macintosh 128K. Bringing a mouse and graphical user interface to the masses, and heralded by an acclaimed Super Bowl commercial that’s still talked about today, the first-gen Mac will quickly become one of the most important personal computers ever released.

What is an original Apple Macintosh worth?

According to, original Mac computers sell at auction at a price of “$750 to 1,000.” writes that, “If you have an working Mac 128k you can probably get $1,000 on eBay.” Plus, the value grows if you’ve still got the original packaging in good condition.

How much is an Apple-1 computer worth?

One of the first Apple computers sells for $400,000 : NPR. One of the first Apple computers sells for $400,000 The computer is one out of the 200 Apple-1 computers that were designed and built by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.

Why was the Macintosh 128K discontinued?

The original Macintosh saw three upgrades to both before it was discontinued. Apple recommends System 2.0 and Finder 4.2, with System 3.2 and Finder 5.3 as the maximum. System 4.0 officially dropped support for the Macintosh 128K because it was distributed on 800 KB floppy disks, which could not be used by the 128K.

What is a Macintosh 128K?

The Macintosh 128K, originally released as the Apple Macintosh, is the original Apple Macintosh personal computer.

What is the difference between the Macintosh Plus 128K and 512K?

Whereas the Macintosh Plus, and to a lesser extent the Macintosh 512K, are compatible with much later software, the 128K is limited to specially crafted programs. A stock Mac 128K with the original 64K ROM is incompatible with either Apple’s external 800kB drive with HFS or Apple’s Hard Disk 20.

How do I identify a 128K Mac?

The majority of 128k machines made after November 1984 have the label “Macintosh 128K” on the back of the case.

How much did a Macintosh cost in 1984?

It had an initial selling price of $2,495 (equivalent to $6,017 in 2018). The Macintosh was introduced by the now-famous $370,000 (equivalent to $892,290 in 2018) television commercial by Ridley Scott, ” 1984 “, that aired on CBS during the third quarter of Super Bowl XVIII on January 22, 1984.