How often can you transfer a Neopet?
once per day
Each pet may only be transferred once per day. Transfers not accepted after 72 hours are cancelled, with the pet returned to the original owner’s account. A Neopet must be at least 7 days old to be transferred.
What is the most popular Neopet?
Shoyrus are by far the most popular pet on the Neopets website, accounting for just over 15 million pets in Neopia.
What is Neopets premium?
Like the NC Mall, Neopets Premium is a way for players to support the Neopets site by spending real-world money. However, while the Mall takes one-off payments in return for single items, Premium is a longer-term commitment, taking a periodic subscription fee until the player chooses to cancel.
How do I transfer Neopoints between accounts?
You can then transfer your Neopoints across to your new account using the Trading Post, simply put up a junk item on the receiving account and offer your NP on it (you may need to do this several times due to the 2,000,000 Neopoint offer limit).
How do I get a krawk Neopet?
If you are fortunate enough to get your hands on one of these, you have the chance to grow it into a limited edition Krawk Neopet. You can turn your Krawk Petpet in to a full-grown Neopet by taking it to Fungus Cave and having it eat the fungus there. Whatever color your Krawk Petpet is, that is what color your Krawk neopet will be.
Is the krawk a good pet to have?
The Krawk is a great pet to have. Your Neopet can train it to fight and some Krawk have been known to be as strong as full grown Neopets. The Krawk is Tyrannian Petpet, and one of the rarest Petpets – period – on Neopets.
Can a krawk be transformed back to its Petpet form?
Once all of these requirements are met you will be given the option to transform your Krawk at your next visit to the Fungus Cave. After transforming, a Krawk cannot be reverted back to its Petpet form.
What is a krawk?
Krawk ( krork) are crocodile-like Neopets native to Krawk Island. While there are morphing and Transmogrification Potions that can produce a Krawk, traditionally these Neopets evolve from the Petpet of the same name when taken to the mysterious Fungus Cave . (Labbed Petpets don’t count, as genetically they are not Krawks at all.)