Is Favortized a word?

Is Favortized a word? to favor one person or item over another. Verb.To mark or flag as a well liked or bookmark within a web browser or application.

Is there a word Humanhood?

noun. Human nature or character; humanness.

Is there a word usuals?

u′su•al•ly, adv. u′su•al•ness, n. syn: usual, customary, habitual refer to something that is familiar because it is commonly met with or observed.

What does Furline mean?

Filters. With a lining made from fur.

Is Favorize a word?

Favorize definition To favor especially or unduly.

Is Favouritise a word?

When you make something a favourite, add something to a list of most preferred.

What define a person’s humanness?

Definitions of humanness. the quality of being human. synonyms: humanity, manhood. type of: quality. an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone.

Is Usuality a word?

Usuality definition The quality or state of being usual.

What is Asual?

In the normal, habitual, or accustomed way, as in As usual, he forgot to put away the milk. This idiom was first recorded in 1716. Also see business as usual. QUIZ YOURSELF ON “ITS” VS. “IT’S”!

What is the meaning of arrayment?

Definition of arrayment 1 : the act of arraying or the quality or state of being arrayed then in arrayment close … rush to war — William Morris 2 : clothing, dress titled ladies in fine arrayment

What is an arraignment?

An arraignment is a hearing at which a person accused of a crime is called before the court to hear the charges against him.

What kind of charges do Arras array have?

Arras array Arrearage Arrears arrest Arrest for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and hit and run Arrest for crack Arrest for duty of striking a fixed object, firefighter Arrest for grand theft auto Arrest for obstructing justice and resisting arrest

How do video arraignments work?

Video arraignments are conducted over a secure internet or intranet connection using video conferencing technology from a room inside the detention center. The judge and defendant are able to see, hear, and speak to one another throughout the video conference.