Is Ningaloo Reef near Monkey Mia?

Is Ningaloo Reef near Monkey Mia?

The distance between Monkey Mia and Ningaloo is 329 km. The road distance is 604.5 km.

Is Monkey Mia worth visiting?

Monkey Mia is really over rated. Tourist brochyres paint something fantastic but in reality it is just a typical beach and if you are lucky you may see a few trained dolhins that are expected to show up every day for feeding.

Where is the Ningaloo Reef located?

Western Australia’s
The Ningaloo Coast is located on Western Australia’s remote coast along the East Indian Ocean. The interconnected ocean and arid coast form aesthetically striking landscapes and seascapes.

How far off the coast is Ningaloo Reef?

Ningaloo Reef is the world’s largest fringing reef, and one of the longest near-shore reef systems in the world. Stretching 300km from Carnarvon’s Red Bluff to the Muiron Islands in the north and Exmouth Gulf’s Bundegi Beach in the east, Ningaloo Reef is regarded as one of the world’s last great ocean paradises.

How far is ningaloo from Broome?

1392 km
Yes, the driving distance between Broome to Ningaloo Reef Resort, Coral Bay is 1392 km. It takes approximately 16h 8m to drive from Broome to Ningaloo Reef Resort, Coral Bay.

How much time do you need in Exmouth?

As there’s plenty to do (and most reef or ocean tours can take up a full day), opt for five to seven days in Exmouth and surrounds. Many of the town’s attractions are scattered throughout the Cape Range National Park, so you’ll need a DPAW national park pass for entry.

What is the best time of year to go to Monkey Mia?

The best time to visit Monkey Mia The best months for a swim in Monkey Mia, Australia, are February through May, with a perfect temperature – varying between 25°C (77°F) and 29°C (84.2°F), and scarce rainfall.

Can you swim at Monkey Mia?

The clear waters of Monkey Mia are suited to swimming and snorkelling but these activities are permitted only outside of the dolphin interaction area. When swimming, snorkelling or diving: Be aware of dangerous marine life, including sharks. Always swim, dive or snorkel with at least one other person.

What is the best time to visit Ningaloo Reef?

When is the best time to visit Ningaloo reef? Ningaloo Reef has something to offer all year round, but the absolute best weather months (in our opinion) are mid March, May, June, September and October. In these months the water is warm, weather patterns are consistent and it’s not too busy.

How far is Ningaloo from Broome?

What is the best time of year to visit Ningaloo Reef?

Ningaloo Reef has something to offer all year round, but the absolute best weather months (in our opinion) are mid March, May, June, September and October. In these months the water is warm, weather patterns are consistent and it’s not too busy.

Can you swim at Ningaloo Reef?

Exmouth and Ningaloo Reef is generally a safe place to swim. It is far enough south that stingers are rarely if ever seen in stinger season between October and May. There are sharks on Ningaloo Reef – but they’re generally not the type you need to worry about.