Is rasp a real word?

Is rasp a real word?

to scrape or rub roughly: The glacier rasped the valley floor. to grate upon or irritate: The sound rasped his nerves. to utter with a grating sound: to rasp out an answer. to scrape or grate.

Why is it called a rasp?

The tool called a rasp is a special kind of wood file that’s much coarser than sandpaper, and when you use it, you rasp. If you’ve ever cared for a horse’s hooves, you may have also used a rasp to file them. The “speak gratingly” meaning of rasp comes from the “scraping” sense of the word.

What is the opposite of rasp?

Near Antonyms for rasp. coarsen, rough (up), roughen, scuff.

What is another word for raspy?

In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for raspy, like: rough, scratchy, growly, breathy, rasping, grating, hoarse, gravelly, croaky, mellifluous and throaty.

What does rasp stand for?


Acronym Definition
RASP Remote Access Security Program
RASP Random Access Stored Program Machine
RASP Radiological Affairs Support Program
RASP Risk Assessment Scale for Prison

What is the purpose of a rasp?

A rasp is a coarse form of file used for coarsely shaping wood or other material. Typically a hand tool, it consists of a generally tapered rectangular, round, or half-round sectioned bar of case hardened steel with distinct, individually cut teeth.

How are rasps made?

The process is theoretically very simple, but requires years of training to do well and consistently. Steel is forged and then ground to shape. Forging to shape is important because it gives a better structure to the steel. The grinding only serves to smooth the rasp blank perfectly so the teeth will be even.

What does a rasp do?

How do you use rasping in a sentence?

Rasping sentence example His rasping half volley flew narrowly past the post with the keeper standing. Andre shrugged. Katie heard nothing outside of the rasping trees. Gabriel was gone. His breath came in rasping bursts, his lungs felt sluggish from all the sand he had breathed in.

Do guys find raspy voices hot?

It’s official! A deep husky voice in men and a high-pitched breathy voice in women is perceived as most attractive, a new study has found. Researchers from University College London (UK) and colleagues found that listeners gauge the speaker’s body size from the frequency of their voice.

What is a husky voice?

If someone’s voice is husky, it is low and rather rough, often in an attractive way. […] huskily adverb [ADVERB after verb]

What does Radp stand for?


Acronym Definition
RADP Ruby Asterisk Dial Plan
RADP Regional Arts Development Program (est. 1996; Bush Foundation)
RADP Resource Allocation Decision Point
RADP Rochester Alzheimer’s Disease Project (neurology)