Is solemn warning better than Judgement?

Is solemn warning better than Judgement?

Solemn Warning can negate the activation of Monster Effects which summon something. Judgment can’t. Some examples: Every main deck Burning Abyss monster has an effect to special summon itself from the hand.

Does solemn warning destroy?

As well as negating any type of Summon possible, Solemn Warning can negate the effects of cards that Special Summon monsters, stopping cards like XX-Saber Emmersblade, Call of the Haunted, and Starlight Road. Solemn Warning also destroys the card that it negates, so it won’t be lying around ready to be activated again.

Can solemn warning negate Monster Reborn?

Solemn can only negate card effects when they activate and would special a monster at the resolution of said card ex: monster reborn, macro cosmos. Solemn warning cannot negate cards that have an effect to summon a monster if the card can be activated without using said effect ex: Valhalla hall of the Fallen.

Is solemn Judgement a hand trap?

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness: Both “Solemn Warning” and “Solemn Judgment” are Counter Trap Cards so they can be activated in the Damage Step. “Solemn Warning” can be activated to negate the Special Summon of “Gorz the Emissary of Darkness”.

Can you chain to solemn Judgement?

“Magic Jammer”, “Magic Drain”, and “Solemn Judgment” can be activated during the Damage Step, so you can Chain these cards to “Sebek’s Blessing”.

Can you solemn warning an XYZ summon?

No, but a “Dandylion” would. Xyz material monsters are not considered on the field when stacked under Xyz monsters. Sangan, Hushed Psychic Cleric, etc wont get there effects. Monsters such as Dandylion, however, will get there effects because they simply have to be sent to the graveyard.

Can Solemn Strike negate polymerization?

You can use solemn warning to negate polys activation but once it resolves it cannot be negated.

Can you Chain block solemn Judgement?

Urgent Tuning: “Solemn Judgment” can be used to negate the Synchro Summon by “Urgent Tuning”, but only if “Urgent Tuning” is Chain Link 1. Otherwise, the Synchro Summon occurs in the middle of resolving a chain, so you cannot interrupt the Chain by activating “Solemn Judgment”.

Is solemn warning good in Yu-Gi-Oh?

But, the popularity of Special Summons and decks built around Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Summons mean that Solemn Warning will be highly-effective against pretty much every opposing strategy in the game. The power of a Yu-Gi-Oh! card is often defined by the competitive scene in how many cards it costs to equal its effects.

What is solemn warning and solemn judgment?

Solemn Warning: When a monster would be Summoned, OR when a Spell Card, Trap Card or Effect Monster’s effect is activated that includes an effect that Special Summons a monster (s): Pay 2000 Life Points; negate the Summon OR activation, and destroy that card. Solemn Judgment: Pay half of your Life Points.

Can solemn warning be used to negate a Pendulum Summon?

” Gorz the Emissary of Darkness ” is being Special Summoned by a monster effect. ” Solemn Warning ” does not have such a restriction as its effect includes the ability to negate monster effects as well. Solemn Warning can be used to negate the Pendulum Summon of 3 monsters.

Can you use solemn warning on inherit special summon monsters?

You can safely use solemn warning those kind of Inherit special summon monsters (but not Rituals or Fusion summon monster itself, you have to negate the spell/trap card (s) not the monster)