Is the Nerf Rapidstrike worth it?

Is the Nerf Rapidstrike worth it?

All things considered, the Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike CS-18 is largely considered to be one of the best engineered–and most readily modifiable–Nerf Elite products to-date.

What is the most rapid firing Nerf gun?

Nerf’s Ultra Speed Blaster. Nerf’s Ultra Speed Blaster is cranking up the speed of its dart blasters to seven darts a second. Hasbro says the blaster, set to launch in August and unveiled on Thursday, is fully motorized and the fastest-firing blaster it’s ever produced.

What is the strongest elite Nerf gun?

When it comes to sheer firepower, few of the best Nerf guns can touch the Nerf Elite 2.0 Flipshots Flip-32 Blaster. This initimidating blaster can own the battlefield thanks to its 32-dart capacity, letting you fire not one but two fully loaded 16-dart barrels onto your opponents before they ven have time to reload.

How much money is the Nerf Rapidstrike?

about $39
Get maximum mission mobility with the Rapidstrike CS-18 blaster! Blaster comes with 18 Elite darts, 18-dart see-through clip and instructions Ages 8 and up. Sells for about $39.

Is the Nerf RapidStrike full auto?

Details. The RapidStrike CS-18 is a fully-automatic clip system blaster.

What is the Nerf Spectre barrel extension?

The Spectre barrel extension is a short Nerf barrel extension that was released in 2010 under the N-Strike series. It comes packaged with both the N-Strike and the N-Strike Elite Spectre REV-5, as well as the Captain Cassian Andor Deluxe Blaster.

What is the Nerf N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike cs-18?

The Nerf N-Strike Elite RapidStrike CS-18 blaster delivers elite distance in a streamlined, lightweight design that’s made for maximum mission mobility. This Nerf N-Strike Elite motorized blaster comes with 18 Elite Darts in a see-through clip.

Does the Nerf Rapidstrike support extended barrel attachments?

The Nerf Rapidstrike is compatible with extended barrel attachments. The Rapidstrike is decked out with an assortment of tactical rails and strap points. It has five different tactical rail mounts for attaching sights, scopes, and other accessories.

Is the Nerf elite Spectre worth it?

A nice sidearm, but a few minor issues keep it from being perfect. The Nerf Elite Spectre is a remake of the old N-Strike Spectre, not just a repaint. Performance is standard unless it misfires or you use old/worn dart.