The Problems of Differences Between Foreign Spoken Language and Language Skills

The study of the problem of the formation of skills and abilities in a foreign language is historically conditioned, since it involves a scientific solution to the problem of creating an optimal system of exercises for teaching practical knowledge of foreign languages.

One of the main aspects of the discussion is the question of the differences in foreign language and language skills. Speaking about the basic qualities of a speech skill, it can be defined as “the unity of automatism and consciousness, fixity and lability.”

There are traits of a speech skill such as spontaneity and integrity of the performance of speech actions, situational and communicative motivation of its functioning. The use of language means in speech is based on speech skills – lexical and grammatical.

Under the speech grammatical skill in the “norm”, i.e. normally functioning with perfect knowledge of speech (in any language) is understood as the skill of grammatically correct speech “by feeling” based on grammatical speech automatisms or speech automated communications.

A lexical speech skill means the skill of correct word usage and word-formation “by feeling”, based on verbal automated lexical connections.

Speech skills in their native language a person acquires from the first year of life, develops and improves them during all subsequent development and, especially, during school education.

This improvement takes place, first of all, along the lines of learning by the students of various kinds of operations with linguistic material in connection with the mastery of written speech and the assimilation of theoretical knowledge in grammar and spelling.

These operations acquire the character of skills, and therefore they can be called, unlike speech, language skills.

Language skills are understood as skills of operating language material outside the conditions of speech communication, based on the appropriate language knowledge – the rules. These skills include formative skills (in particular, the formation of case endings of nouns and adjectives, personal endings of verbs), structural and educational skills (skills of constructing sentences). Language skills can be attributed to those types of skills that in psychology were called “intellectual”, “mental” skills, which are characterized by a predominance of awareness, discursiveness over “automatism”. Intellectual skills usually include fewer automated elements, and in some cases some of these components are not automated at all and require continuous focused attention and awareness of the actions. Such skills include, for example, the skills of solving typical problems, where only certain computational operations and the order of their execution are automatized, as well as language operational skills.

Language grammatical and lexical skills in the native language are created in the process of teaching literacy, spelling, in the performance of analytical grammatical and lexical language exercises.

In school, students, mastering literacy and spelling in their native language, improve at the same time and their speech skills – their speech acquires such qualities as greater awareness of not only content, but also its formal side, greater lexico-grammatical correctness.

If language exercises in teaching the native language, i.e. in conditions of possession of a speech skill, contribute to their improvement, then in the practice of teaching a foreign language, where they were transferred, without taking into account the fact that students still do not speak with speech skills, these exercises will play a negative rather than a positive role. They are not able to replace themselves with speech exercises, in the performance of which speech skills are mainly formed.

Being analytical, non-practical, communicative-unmotivated, such exercises can not form the basic qualities of a speech skill.

The concept of teaching grammatical skills of a foreign language on the basis of linguistic analytical grammatical exercises was first reflected in the works of V. Tsetlin. The author claims that speech skills are based on memorizing language material and on mastering language skills. The author does not use the term “speech skills”, as, however, did not use this term earlier and other methodologists.

In connection with the intensive development of the theoretical foundations of creating exercises in the methodical literature, an attempt was made to determine the role and place of linguistic and speech exercises, their correlation in teaching a foreign language in the context of differences in speech and language skills. It was found that since only speech skills function in the use of oral speech, and only in case of difficulties, and more often in written speech, language skills are used, the main attention should be paid to the formation of speech skills, speech automatisms in speech exercises.

For the formation of speech grammatical skills, it is recommended to perform grammatically directed communicative (or conditionally-speech) exercises, to create speech lexical skills – lexically-directed conditionally-speech exercises. The irrational use of language exercises for the purpose of forming speech skills was indicated in the methodical literature in the sixties.

At the same time, one should not underestimate the role of language skills and, accordingly, language exercises. Although language exercises can not ensure the mastery of speech skills, this does not mean that they are useless and should be excluded from the system of exercises. Language exercises are a means of comprehension and memorization of linguistic material when teaching a foreign language, as well as a means of forming an indicative basis for mastering the complex language of a foreign language. They are also a means of forming a mechanism of conscious self-control over the correctness of speech and the “compensatory mechanism” in the event of the failure of automatisms or their insufficient formation.

Thus, in the system of exercises for teaching a foreign language, a certain number of language exercises should be provided along with the speech exercises.

What Are the Advantages of Attending a Public University?

Public universities often have a vast student population. Acquire an ogle at The Ohio State University. This public school has 60,000 students enrolled at any one time. This means that this type of university has more degree program choices, more (and better) athletic teams, more student events and activities.

Thankfully, a bigger campus does not translate into a bigger tuition payment. That state’s taxpayers subsidize space universities, which keeps tuition costs gross. However, maintain in mind that residence universities typically charge more to out of dwelling students since they, or more likely their parents, have not paid set taxes in that site. This is why most situation universities charge the higher tuition rate to their students coming from other states.

If you do not have an Ivy League grade point average, rest assured. Public schools have far less rigid admission requirements than private schools. There are some programs that have more stringent requirements; but overall, most students can meet the entrance requirements to public universities with ease.

Millions of students opt for a public university each and every year. Pick an inspection at some of the public schools in your site. Their objective may be one cessation by that offers the accurate program you are looking for.

Things to Prepare Before Entering University

Many people are entering university these days to salvage the higher education and interrogate to win the appropriate job based on their major after graduating from their gawk. However, it is not that easy I judge. Nowadays, although most of companies require their employees to have a bachelor or even master degree, only few people can meet the criteria. Here is the university scrutinize guide.

Definitely, they should remember that an honorable notion in university will affect the result and many other things related to the survey. It becomes the reason why you should prepare everything well to build obvious that you can be the valid student. It is what everyone wants, and you can invent it reach apt if you know about the suitable draw. The university notice guides below are hopefully useful for you.

The system worn in university will be definitely different from the one frail in senior high school or secondary school. Become a student in university will require you to learn more about responsibility. Everything should be done well by yourself, since the lecturers will only arrive to the class and give the assignments. You have to gain the material and reference by yourself.

You will come by the group assignments that require you to work together with others, but the individual project will let you know more about how to responsible with the task or everything given to you. The suited or awful GPA is in your hand, thus you should do everything as perfect as possible.

Besides, engaging in an organization will be critical to let you know about how to deal with many people, and it becomes one of the most well-known university peruse guides here. The friendly achievement in class that you would have done is not enough for you to live among people in society. The knowledge you have should be accompanied by the capability to communicate with others very well too.

However, starting an unusual life in university will be quite though provoking. You will rep and bask in the stout time of both being together with your friend spending time together and going everywhere alone to procure the references and execute your papers or preparing some presentations. What a spacious lively life.

Seven steps to work out an assignment

Think, read and pack the method pages of your manual

Step 1: analyze the terms of the subject.

Try to clearly define the subject, delimit it, consider all aspects and all the implications.

  • Questions to ask yourself after reading the subject: Who? When? Why? How? What consequences? => Delimit the subject.
  • Define the terms of the subject. Reflect on the meaning of words, chronological and spatial boundaries.
  • Reread again. The goal: to avoid the off-subjects and the serious omissions.
  • For a “homework” assignment, always leave the course, handouts and the handbook. List and prioritize the information to remember. Do you “run” possibly in additional readings after doing this work. Otherwise, you will be quickly overwhelmed, even “drowned”…

Step 2: Write your ideas in the draft.

Indicate the questions you need to answer to address the topic, the explanatory factors that respond to it. Work on the historical context, the essential elements to treat this subject.

Step 3: Clear a problem.

= All questions in one. A problematic is the guiding idea of duty, the “problem” raised by this subject, its main interest?

A question to ask yourself: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DEMONSTRATE?

It must become the breadcrumb of your plan, your duty.


Subject: “France during the Second World War”

Possible problem: “How to explain that this country vanquished and occupied by the Germans from 1940 is counted in the camp of the victors in 1945? ”

Step 4: Develop a detailed plan.

Look after your titles which must express the problem of each part.

– Make a rigorous plan for development. Four principles should guide you then.

  • few parties (most often three, sometimes two or three, never more …);
  • each party develops an idea;
  • each part ends, if possible, by a short conclusion serving as a transition with the following part;
  • the plan must articulate a demonstration.

Step 5: Write an introduction to the draft with obligatorily the following parts:

  • Sentence introducing the subject. Find a “primer”.
  • Analysis of the subject: main themes of the assignment, chronological and spatial limits of the subject.
  • General context.
  • Problem / interest of the subject.
  • Drafted announcement of the plan.


– The composition is an exercise that gives you a lot of freedom. These parts described above, or even these steps can be modified. Nothing is imposed if you finally succeed in building a logical, orderly assignment that allows you to deal with the subject. In all cases, explain your approach, guide the corrector.

Step 6: development writing.

Do not write over the pen, off-insured topics. Your plan and ideas should be on your draft.

Be careful to link your parts with transition phrases.

Step 7: Write the conclusion.

= assessment and opening of the subject (new problem).

The conclusion concludes, i.e. it should not be a summary of the above but a culmination (about 1/3 page). You can open perspectives on questions that are added to the subject. Be careful, however, not to extrapolate.

If you still have problems with understanding on assignment performance, contact experienced writers at, they will tell you what to do.

The Reputation of Your College and its Importance

Not all colleges are created equal and, honest as with people, every college earns a reputation, whether gracious, poor, or somewhere in between. Now believe that once you get a degree from a college, its reputation will be associated with you for the rest of your life. Every employer will stare the name of the college or university you attended on your resume. Consequently, below are a few reputation-related considerations you should weigh prior to making a commitment to befriend.

Distinguished or evil

Is the name of your school instantly recognizable? If so, it is either famed or imperfect. Of the two, being distinguished is the only one better than being unknown. If a college has an unpleasant reputation, it may in fact contemplate on you. Schools that are illustrious can be a gigantic assist to graduates; one that no one has heard of won’t distress, but a school with a poor scholastic reputation should be avoided.


Some colleges are only well known for one course of search for. This means it may have a bland, or even negative, reputation for other majors, while brandishing a mountainous name in the site of your interest. If you are confident that the one specialty is for you, these schools are an expansive choice. Objective produce definite you do not extinguish up at one of them studying outside their specialty.


This may be more crucial than any other factor. Is your college actually friendly to provide you an excellent education? There are many levels of accreditation, and each determines whether the institution is a university or simply a college. It also factors into the availability of a major in the subject you want, because a school must be accredited for each major. Even though its administration may claim to offer a “course of watch” in your chosen field, it may not have the accreditation needed to offer that field of gaze as a recognized major.

How to Evaluate a College’s Reputation

Evaluating a school’s reputation is more an art than science. Ask older people you know what they contemplate of the college and what it is best known for – then research what they swear you to ensure the accuracy of those comments. Teach with the school’s occupy representatives about your questions or concerns, but don’t necessarily embrace all you are told because they have incentive to site the school as positively as possible. Additionally, simply try researching the college via an Internet search engine to peer what curious information pops up.

A school’s reputation is perhaps the most considerable factor to reflect when weighing the impact of your college on your future. If an employer believes you attended one that likely did not adequately prepare you for the job under consideration, it doesn’t great matter in that place whether you loved it and received an expansive education – it could mild assume poorly on you. Instead, you want the name of your school to abet garner instant respect and admiration.

The Benefits of Attending a Private College as Opposed to a feeble College

When doing research into your post-secondary education options, you will swiftly learn that there is an almost overwhelming number of options for both career training and obtaining an advanced degree. No matter where you live, it is likely that you have access to number of both private and extinct colleges, which offer programs of survey related to your residence of interest.

There are many differences between private colleges and broken-down colleges. One major incompatibility between these two types of institutions is the quality of education. For those focused on obtaining the high quality skills and training required for career success in the shortest and most efficient manner, private colleges tend to be the better choice. There are a number of benefits associated with private colleges.

Benefit: Smaller Classes

Classes at private colleges tend to be considerable smaller than those of extinct colleges. When classes are smaller, the instructor-to-student ratio is worthy lower, allowing for more individual attention in class. The learning environment also tends to be distinguished more interactive in smaller classes than in larger ones.

Benefit: Emphasis on Teaching Rather than Research

In extinct colleges, faculty members are not only assigned to declare classes, but are also required to emphasize academic research. Typically, faculty members in stale colleges are required to devote a famous amount of time and energy to conducting and publishing academic research designed to reach the body of knowledge in their particular region of expertise.

In private colleges, however, the famous role of a faculty member is to converse classes and to relieve students gain the skills they need to become successful in their chosen fields. As a working adult, it can be great more wonderful to learn in an environment where teaching, not research, is the indispensable focus.

Benefit: Emphasis on Skills Development

Most private colleges tend to emphasize the development of practical skills that can be applied in the workplace. For working adults who are seeking post-secondary education as a means of advancing their careers, this is of the utmost importance.

Many extinct colleges focus more on preparing learners for graduate-level look. Because of this, the training is often more theoretical in nature than the training one would receive at a private college.

Benefit: Responsiveness to Change

When seeking post-secondary training that can be directly applicable in the workplace, it is indispensable to fabricate certain that the training you receive is as up-to-date is possible.

Because private colleges function more along the lines of a business model than of an educational institution, private colleges tend to be quicker to adapt their curricula to the swiftly changing demands of the job market than do ancient colleges.

Learning Disabilities – How to Break Through Your Challenges

Dealing with learning disabilities is one of the toughest challenges any person will face. It attacks every facet of your life. It makes you dough your worth in the world. Much of growing up is figuring out your place in the world. It is tough either way being a kid, adding dimension of not learning at the same pace as peers it can be detrimental. This article is going to show you how to break through your limiting beliefs.

Here is the first lesson about break through your challenges:

  • There is no glory or reward for punishing your past. The past is the past. You can only control what you do in the future. Realize that you have to forgive and accept your past. Too many people limit their potential based on past events.
  • You need to know where you want to go, do, or be. Successful people are doing something, going somewhere, believing something. You need to make the decision about what you want. How are you going to break free of your challenges if you have no idea what you want all
  • Human beings are creatures of habit. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Understand that not everything in your life is going to change overnight. It is small changes over time make the difference. Think one small change a day can change your life!
  • Find people who do not accept you as you are. We all need people who challenge you to be better and do more. Success comes from raising your standards for what you will accept in your life.
  • Most importantly, hold yourself to a new standard. You are the person who decides what you want in your life. You must make the decision to be different and better. It all starts with a simple decision to make a difference in your life!

Higher Education – How Universities Weed Out Students From High Paying Occupations

It’s really simple. The university wants to obtain a name for itself. The better the university is notion of the more applications will approach in. Supply and ask dictate that high expect will equate to high tuition. In addition, charitable donations are much higher to well respected institutions. For a university to be well plan of, it must have a reputation for being elite. By definition, the map to be elite is to systematically eliminate many of the “weaker” students.

University Weed out Policy

They form policies. The policy will usually status that the professor is allowed to give out a win handful of valid grades. If a few extra great grades are handed out, the professor must write a portray to account for the outliers. In enact, your work is judged against the work of the other students. It is not judged according to whether you understand and can do the material presented to you. It’s an precise bell curve.

Weed Out Classes

In almost every major, especially high paying ones, there are weed out classes designed to accumulate rid of you. There are usually 3-5 weed out classes per major. What happens is the school will capture the most difficult class in the major (usually). Then, in addition, the school will compose a policy that only a few students may receive a valid grade. The university will develop another policy that states to approach you will need to have a fine grade in these bewitch classes. What happens is that a lot of dreadful performing students change majors to something easier. Anyone want an outrageous paying crude standardized degree.

What Are Weed Out Classes Based On

Typically, the class will try to resolve what kind of student you were in high school. In a typical scenario, all the students are motivated. Everyone studies and everyone knows the material presented quite well. As a professor, how do you secure a coarse enough average to meet university policy? Simply build, they usually keep stuff on the test that was not covered in class. It might be from high school or it might be stuff that other top students in a definite major might know. For example, top engineering students would know physics quite well. Since math is often a well-liked weed out class, a common is to impartial tweak problems so they don’t really fit what was presented. That map only the Math profitable Scholars and such will gain it honest. Essentially, you may have learned everything your professor taught you, but tranquil score an extreme grade. So, ogle math as a hobby in high school. College becomes a spot to point to your history more than to point to your potential. The priority of learning is constrained by university weed out policies.

Final stamp

Universities always say they don’t earn any money. However, did you know that the founder of the University of Phoenix became a billionaire? How can you pack 400 students into a class at $800.00 per student, pay the teacher $40,000.00 per year, and say you are losing money?

Education: The Overriding Factor between Rich and Poor

Most of us like to think that anyone can succeed or fail monetarily depending on how much effort they put forth towards making themselves do well. Unfortunately, that is often not the case. Statistics have shown that the amount of formal education that a person has impacts the amount of wealth that they are likely to bring in throughout their lifetime. In fact, education level is a leading factor in determining someone’s likely earnings potential.

Logically it makes sense that those who are comfortably rich tend to have had more educational backgrounds. They have been well trained in how to function in the workplace and how to move up the ladder. They are also given better opportunities based on the education that they have received. Those who come from poorer backgrounds are less likely to have the same level of education and are therefore less likely to be comfortably rich at any point in their lives.

There are a number of factors that contribute to these findings. Lack of resources in the schools in more disadvantaged areas is a major problem that holds a lot of people back. There is also often a lack of personal motivation to go along with the poor quality of education. Those two factors combined can lead someone to drop out of school earlier and pick up a low paying unskilled labor job. Once this has happened, it becomes difficult for them to move up the pay scale in any very significant way.

There are of course exceptions to this rule. Some who do live comfortably rich have not even finished a college degree. It is often pointed out that Bill Gates (the wealthiest man on the planet) just recently finished his college degree. He made his billions before he had even tried to finish college. Unfortunately, situations like his are very rare. Generally, the averages show that the more education you receive, the more money you will be making.

The largest pay difference is between those who have just a high school diploma and those who have a college degree. By getting a bachelor’s degree, the average person increases their earnings potential through the roof in comparison. If you have dreams of living comfortably rich, then it is a wise first step to get as much formal education as possible. Every step up the education ladder is a step up the pay grade.

Recommendations for writing essays in college

We often write an essay at the university. It’s not easy, but for 7 months, I have some tips and I want to share with you:

  1. Preparation

It’s very tempting to sit down and start writing an essay before reading nothing, but in that case you risk spending much more time writing it. My recommendation is to spend much more time reading the recommended literature than writing the work itself.

  1. Interests

If you are not interested in the topic itself, then when the teacher will read your work, it will be very felt. Sometimes we need to select an essay topic from the list, but I’m sure there’s always something you can get in touch with. It is important to understand that when you write an essay, you will learn something or find out something interesting.

  1. Structure

When planning an essay structure, ask questions that can not be answered – yes or no. If you formulate these questions correctly, writing an essay becomes a fairly easy process.

  1. Primary sources

It is very important to correctly represent your sourses. Do not insert quotes in order to have more words or do not tear a piece of quotes from the primary editor that has a completely different meaning. I am most impressed when the quotation continues and confirms your opinion.

  1. Synonyms

Use them to enrich your language in the essay and as a source of inspiration when not written.

Nine rules for writing creative essays

How do you recommend writing an essay? Right! Creative, What’s behind this word? Most likely, the flight of thought, originality, etc. Everything is simple: the main thing is to learn nine rules.

  1. Only a positive language (to describe better what is and not what is not).
  2. Word-links (they help to smoothly move from one part to another).
  3. Different structure of sentences. (Read the correct structure sentence bored. Add multiple inversions. Write different sentence lengths.)
  4. Clear words. (Understand the meaning of the words you use in the essay. You write to strike content, not a vocabulary. The refinement is good, but to degree.)
  5. Different words (synonymy).
  6. Lacosity.
  7. Every word is important (without repetitions, each sentence must have a unique meaning).
  8. Active life position.
  9. Essay books are great.


We wish you success!

When you’re done, forget about the essay and be sure to re-read it a little later.

It’s great when your essay reads someone and tells you what he understood from the read. This will help you to understand whether you really wanted to write, really highlighted, whether you missed something, etc. If you are completely unsatisfied with the result and just have any power to redo your work from the very beginning, ask professional writers at special services in such a way: rewrite my essay. You will be amazed how qualitatively and quickly your essay will turn into a top-notch work for a low cost!