References in term paper

Student research is not entirely copyrighted — it relies on sources and literature. In the course work it is necessary to specify where the information came from – for this is a list of references.

How to make a list of references for the course

To correctly write a list of references in the course, you must work on it in parallel with the writing of the main text. As soon as you quote a text from some source in the text, add it to the list – it is much easier than later (when the entire text is ready) to remember what was used and look for the necessary publications.

Course work – quite a lengthy study. Although the standard does not define for the list of references how many items it should include, teachers most often require at least 20-25 sources of different types.

Course bibliography usually includes:

  • Regulations.
  • Textbooks and tutorials.
  • Monographs.
  • Abstracts of dissertations.
  • Articles in periodicals (magazines, newspapers).
  • Articles in collections.
  • Electronic sources (sites).

It is important that in the course list of references was given on the topic, which is indicated in the title.

Example 1

If in the course on web programming, dedicated to the creation of the site, there will be textbooks on Assembler, or in the coursework on accounting – textbooks on family law, this will cause many questions for the teacher.

Coursework with a list of references should form a coherent whole, all sources should be referred to in the text.

How to make a list of sources in the course

The list of references begins with a new page, at the top of which is placed the title. You can find such spellings of the title:

  • Bibliography.
  • List of used literature.
  • List of sources used.
  • Literature.
  • Literature and sources.

References in the course should be located in a specific order. There are several approaches to the location of records:

  1. Sources are not divided into types, first indicate the sources on the letter A, then on the letter B and further to the end of the alphabet. At the end are placed sources in foreign languages.
  2. By categories. First, all regulatory acts are written out, then books (monographs, textbooks, manuals, dissertation abstracts), followed by articles (in journals, scientific collections) and the list is completed with electronic sources. Within each of the groups, an alphabetical ordering is performed.
  3. In order of use. Sources are arranged in the order they are mentioned in the text. If several references are made to one source in a term paper, then the first reference affects the number in the list of references.

In 2019, a unified approach to the order of sources was not developed. Each department independently determines how to write a list of references in the course, and indicates this in the training manual. Mixed schemes are also common: for example, first all regulatory legal acts are written out (by legal force, alphabetically or chronologically), and then all other sources without division into types.

References on standards in 2019

Examples of bibliographic descriptions can be found in the 2003 standard. He determines how in the course work should look like each of the elements of the list of references:

  • What parts are included in the description of each type of source.
  • What punctuation marks are divided parts.

In the term paper the list of references can be issued on the above samples.

Example 2

Description of the book, which has one author and is a one-volume edition:

Lattern, V. The impact of computer work on the health of the nation [Text] / V. Lattern. – M .: Biophysiology, 2018. – 172 p.

Example 3

Description of the book, created by a team of authors (one-volume edition):

Cole, A. Frogs in the food chain [Text] / A. Cole, V. Dyer. – SPb .: Reaction, 2017. – 360 p.

Example 4

Description of a multi-volume edition, if only one volume was used:

Kasey, D. Diseases of kittens [Text]. In 3 hours. Part 2. Infectious diseases / D. Kasey. – M .: Zvezda, 2018. – 503 p.

Example 5

Article: Samsen, A. Current Issues in Victimology [Text] / A. Samsen // Sociology and Life. – 2017. – №6 (58). – p. 17-25.