Requirements for the design of the dissertation

When applying for a scientific degree or title, the applicant must defend a dissertation on a particular topic, thereby confirming his viability as a scientist.

The dissertation – what is it?

A scientific work can be considered a dissertation if it reflects the research work carried out personally by the applicant for a scientific degree, or confirmed discoveries are indicated, as a result of which the corresponding conclusions are drawn. A “dissertation” can be a scientific report, as well as a manuscript, a monograph, a written and published textbook. In any of these works, tasks should be investigated and problems with urgent needs should be solved, and recommendations should be given, ways and ways to solve them indicated. The main part of the dissertation, which contains descriptions of the research and experiments carried out, as well as their results, is its main part. But the requirements for the design of the dissertation and their strict observance are no less important.

Why are the dissertation requirements important?

The writing of any scientific work is regulated by the standard. It will be read and evaluated by a large number of specialists, members of the Higher Attestation Commission (the Higher Attestation Commission – as a rule, at least 40 people). In addition, it should be prepared for publication. All this imposes certain obligations on the execution of the dissertation to comply with the requirements and rules.

The basic requirements for the design of the dissertation

  1. Scientific work is usually written in English. But at the request of the dissertation council, a decision may be made to allow writing scientific work in another language. In this case, an additional title page is written in English.
  2. Scientific work is written on one side of a sheet of A4 paper. For tables and graphs, it is allowed to use sheets of paper in A3 format.
  3. The boundaries of the fields are determined: on the top and bottom edges – 2 cm, on the left edge – 3 cm for binder, on the right edge – 1.5 cm.
  4. The pages in the center of the lower part are numbered in Arabic numerals. Title page, table of contents are counted, but not numbered. Illustrations and tables are included in the numbering. If they used the A3 sheet format, then they are taken into account together. Accompanying inscriptions are made directly below them.
  5. To write a dissertation, the font Times New Roman, 14 point, line spacing 1.5. Allowed font height is at least 1.8 mm. It uses alignment of the text in width, headings in the center.
  6. A page should contain an average of 1800 characters.
  7. When writing sentences with a “red” line, a deviation of 1.25 cm (or five characters) is made.
  8. Quotations used in the text are quoted and must fully correspond to the original. Reference is made to them in the list of used literature.
  9. In the main text, word abbreviations are used in the form of an abbreviation, compound words, symbols for the initial letters of words and for parts of words and initial letters.
  10. All figures obtained as a result of research and experiments are made out in the form of a table. They must be reliable and verified. They are compared on the same basis. The text of the work indicates in what way they were obtained, and the methodology for choosing the main feature.
  11. The graphs and diagrams used in the work are directly logically connected with the text, so they must be placed side by side. Schemes, despite their importance for comparing particular data, should still be placed in the application.
  12. All corrections in the text are made with ink, only black paste.

All of the above is no less important than the text of the scientific work with its calculations and conclusions. Compliance with these requirements will make your work more structured and understandable.

If you still have problems, and you do not understand the requirements for preparing a dissertation, contact our specialists. They will be able to quickly and professionally help you in solving the problem.