Sample of coursework writing

In the process of studying at the institute, the student repeatedly performs courseworks. Thus, it confirms the knowledge and skills acquired by him for a certain period of educational activity.

Types of coursework

Depending on the task, there are several types of courseworks:

  1. Calculated and graphical coursework reflects the practical skills of the student. It contains graphic images and an explanatory note with calculations and descriptions.
  2. Research work reveals the student’s ability to accumulate knowledge, engage in independent research and conduct research. The text is divided into 2 parts:
  • description of the theoretical justification of the topic and the chosen methods;
  • description of the research with relevant conclusions.
  1. Reporting work has abstract character. It is carried out to consolidate the passed course of theoretical or practical material.

Rules of registration

In addition to good material and literate text, the study is required to arrange correctly, as the sample course work shows. Rules of registration are governed by state standards, with which students must be familiarized in advance.

  1. The recommended font is Times New Roman with a size of 14 and an interval of 1.5.
  2. Standard parameters of the field allow to contain 1500 characters of the text with spaces.
  3. Page numbers are usually placed on top. On the title page number is missing, although it is taken into account in the further numbering.

Typical structure

Depending on the type of structure of the course work may vary somewhat, but the common features in it are present in accordance with typical standard requirements. Typically, teachers of the department write manuals and instructions for the student to have an example of a coursework for example.

  1. The title page is usually performed on the template developed at the department. It contains the necessary information about the student, work, manager and training unit.
  2. The content serves as a short course work plan.
  3. In this part, the relevance of research, calculations or practical work carried out, as well as selected techniques are considered.
  4. The main part is divided into theoretical and practical sections. The theoretical part provides information on the state of the issue under study for the current period of time. The material is selected from textbooks or online sources. The practical section contains specific characteristics of the object being studied, analytical calculations, confirmed by calculations; tables, graphs, drawings.
  5. Conclusion – the result of research, calculation or analysis of practical activities.
  6. The last item is a list of references in which, according to special rules, all the sources of information are sequentially listed.
  7. In the coursework may be available as necessary applications.

How to successfully complete the course work?

Having a sample course work in hand, the student can cope with it fairly easily. But this is not always the case. The department may not be teaching aids, especially if we are talking about a new discipline. There is often not enough time for independent searches for information and a plan. Nervous about this is not worth it, because our competent authors will readily come to the aid of any student. The task of any level of complexity will be executed immaculately with the necessary level of uniqueness.