The design of the title page of the research paper

Despite the fact that any university has its own requirements for the design of any type of work, there are basic standards that should be followed when writing the title page of a research paper. This is extremely important, because in case of incorrect design, the teacher can lower the grade. To avoid this situation, you can order all the work with us. After receiving the finished version, you will have as many as 20 days to check the essay for deficiencies and require revision. Well, or read the rules for the design of the title page of research papers below.

So, you wrote a research paper, what are the requirements for the title page of a research paper, and how does it differ from others? Let’s try to figure it out.

Clearance requirements

  • Because The title page is the first; it is not numbered. Typically, numbering begins only with the introduction.
  • Throughout the text of the work, including the title page, the same fields should be maintained. The standards are as follows: the left margin is 3 cm, the right margin is 1.5 cm, the upper and lower margins are 2 cm each. The need to leave such a large space on the left is due to the fact that usually all these works are attached to a folder just on the left side.
  • The contents of the title page should be aligned differently. The main part is aligned in the center, the column that begins with “completed work …” – on the right.
  • The font should be the same as in the whole work – Times New Roman. Italics cannot be used, but bold highlighting is often used to name a research paper. You can also highlight in capital letters.

The title page indicates:

Above: the name of the educational institution, the name of the department.

In the center: title of the research paper.

Below right: the work was performed by a student of the X course, Y group, his name and surname. Below: I checked the work.

At the very bottom: the city and below a year.

In fact, there is nothing particularly complicated in order to draw up the title page of the research paper. That’s right to draw up an essay – is much more complicated. Therefore, having taken up work, read all available information on this subject or simply order a research paper from us.