Thesis design requirements

The dissertation is a capacious report, built according to all the rules, on the scientifically-research activity of a scientist. Theoretically, specialists are working on its creation during training in graduate school, doctoral studies or master’s programs. In fact, study does not always end in defense. The scientific and practical significance of such works is great, hence the rigidity of the requirements for the design of a dissertation of any level. The development of standards and recommendations in this industry is carried out by the Higher Attestation Commission and the national standardization body.

Thesis requirements

When preparing qualification works, you must adhere to a single scheme formed by the following elements:

  • title page – one page, where according to the standard form of requirements for the dissertation lists information about the dissertation, his scientific adviser and work;
  • table of contents – a small part consisting of indicating the names of chapters and paragraphs, as well as links to page numbers of their location in the text structure;
  • the main part, including the introduction, an array of basic information, conclusion;
  • a list of abbreviations used and a glossary of terms that, according to the thesis rules, are considered as a recommended, but optional element of the structure;
  • a list of sources used, where according to the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission, not only specialized literature is entered, but also addresses of Internet resources;
  • appendices – an optional block where additional materials are added to the dissertation text: graphs, tables, diagrams.

This type of structure is mandatory because it is regulated by the standard for dissertations. This principle of reporting has been formed historically and is familiar to the scientific community.

What dissertation requirements must be observed in order to be admitted to the defense?

In the course of obtaining postgraduate education, graduate students and doctoral students publish parts of the results of their research in scientific periodicals. The presence of at least two publications is a mandatory requirement of the Higher Attestation Commission for admission to the defense of a candidate dissertation. Three articles are a minimum for socio-economic and humanities. The requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission are stricter for applicants for a doctoral degree: the number of publications should not be less than 15 for economics, sociology, cultural studies and a number of other disciplines, and at least 10 for other subjects. In addition to articles in thematic scientific journals, publications also include patents, monographs, and certificates of discovery.

Another important requirement for dissertations is the availability of an abstract, without which it is forbidden to begin the defense process. Representing a brief overview of scientific work, this document is required for distribution to the largest libraries, bibliographic accounting authorities and members of the dissertation council.