Thesis review

Behind passing candidate minimums, collecting theoretical material, setting up an experiment and interpreting the results. The dissertation is framed in accordance with all the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission, as well as of a scientific or educational institution at which an abstract is written, compiled, and a basis is prepared for confident performance on the defense. It remains to receive feedback on the dissertation. Required are reviews from the leading organization and two official opponents indicated on the cover of the abstract. It is important to keep in mind that in this case the whole text of the dissertation is evaluated.

In addition, there is still the practice of compiling expert opinions on an abstract, which, according to current standards, should be posted on the official portal of the Higher Attestation Commission and the university (or research institute at which the work was written) for one to three months, depending on the type of dissertation. Such reviews are optional, however, in practice, their absence can provoke additional questions and difficulties in defense. Any third-party organizations and persons competent in this issue can leave them.

Thesis review: theory and practice

The choice of a specific opposing organization is the responsibility of the dissertation council, whose members rely on the authority of this institution in professional circles. Further, the scientific secretary sends a letter to her address with a request to evaluate the dissertation research from an expert point of view. In case of a negative reaction to the request, a refusal or a negative response may come, which significantly reduces the chances of success of the defense.

There are frequent cases when opponents have no time to read the text of the dissertation and prepare a response. If the dissertationist and his supervisor are well-intentioned, then it’s enough to provide a sample review for a dissertation or even a fully written text, which the opponent will only have to sign.

You can independently prepare a document. Others prefer to search for a template on the Internet, after which they adapt the text and form to the characteristics of their work and department. Using the global network, please note that the sample review for the thesis should contain the following fields:

  • the relevance of research;
  • scientific novelty of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work;
  • the significance of the thesis results for the development of science as a whole and a separate narrow direction;
  • general conclusion on the work, indicating comments and concrete proposals from industries where the achieved goals can be implemented.

The finished review must be signed by the person in charge of the opposing organization and certified by its seal. Further, the document is submitted to the council of the department, where it is dated and approved by the signatures of all members. Then two copies are sent to the postgraduate department, and delivery must be carried out at least ten days before the defense.