Title page of the coursework: sample

Every second session is accompanied by writing a course project. This type of work involves a competent design. What should the title page of coursework look like? The sample is made taking into account the criteria of the standard. This moment is extremely important, because this page will be the “face” of all the material, an indicator of how the student reacted to the writing of the project. If the title page is designed incorrectly, carelessly, this is a valid indicator that the final grade for the term paper will be significantly reduced.

Key requirements

The requirements of teachers are repelled by the postulates prescribed in the standard. Key provisions can be identified by the following points:

  • use of A4 format, landscape orientation;
  • printed, not handwritten;
  • use font Times New Roman;
  • use 12 or 14 points.

The last item should be clarified at the department. Also it is necessary to take into account that the title page of the course project is typed with the installation of a one-and-a-half line spacing.

Special attention should be paid to the requirements for indents or margins. They need to set default values. Left indent is 3 cm. The right side should reach 1 cm. The lower and upper edges are left within 2 cm.

Informativeness – the basic design rule

When the title page of coursework 2015 is made, the sample should be as informative as possible. On the main page of the project you will need to specify:

  • information about the author of the work;
  • project topic;
  • name of the educational institution;
  • department name and group number;
  • information about the testing teacher.

It is very important to indicate at first in the lower part of the title page the settlement, and then the year of creation of the term paper student. It is very important to remember that the design of this page is due to the requirements outlined in the standard, which was adopted 10 years ago, but is still used in educational institutions. This document regulates not only the design of course projects, but also diplomas, examinations and abstracts.

Note that when working on the title page of a course project, as a rule, 14 font is used. However, this rule does not apply to the name of the course work and its table of contents.

Subtleties design the front page of the project quite a lot. It is necessary to take into account every nuance. If it is extremely difficult to do this, and there is not enough time to get a high-quality result, you should not risk all the work. Our authors will always come to the rescue. They are well acquainted with the requirements of the standard, and therefore will do the work correctly and correctly.

Small but important nuances

When you make a title page, you need to take into account that all the text is centered. However, this does not apply to data on the author of the work, which is written on the right. It is also extremely important to mark at the top of the page the name not only of the educational institution, but also of the ministry. The name of the university is indicated completely, and its form of ownership is necessarily marked. Just below is the name of the department, and after her type of work. The next step is the name of the topic. The classic spelling is the use of lowercase, bold, 16 pt.

Since the design of the title page of the project is included in the regulatory control part, it is extremely important to take into account all the requirements.