Topics of coursework in psychology

Course work involves writing a detailed study on a particular topic. Usually in the departments there is a ready list of topics to choose from. However, he is so beaten up that the teachers, seeing the old topic once again, do not particularly read, do not carefully check and do not exactly try to “pull out” the student.

You can always contact us for help in writing your coursework, our experts will write a work on absolutely any topic. Moreover, you set the price yourself, so your exchange rate will cost you exactly as much as you want. You do not have to suffer with the title page of course work or with the introduction for coursework. You just need to leave a request and choose the author. But in any case, you have to choose a topic yourself.

Do not be upset. We could not leave you alone with the problem, so we prepared for you a small list of approximate topics that you can use for your work.

  • Sources and prerequisites for the emergence of Conflict Resolution Studies as a scientific theory and educational and practical discipline.
  • Conflict as a social phenomenon of social life: concept, structure, typology.
  • Negotiations as a way to resolve and resolve social conflicts.
  • Intra-personal conflicts: causes and ways of settlement.
  • Generic conflicts.
  • Interpersonal conflicts: causes and motives of occurrence.
  • Interpersonal conflicts: methods of settlement.
  • Family “pedagogical” conflicts and forms of their manifestation.
  • Factors of conflict in family relationships.
  • Family conflicts: causes, dynamics of development, classification, functions and consequences.
  • Diagnosis and prevention of marital conflicts and their resolution.
  • Conflict factors in domestic education.
  • Varieties of motives for conflict behavior in a group.
  • Conflicts in organizations: causes and forms of manifestation.
  • Prevention and prediction of organizational conflicts.
  • Diagnosis of the level of social tension.
  • Affect and its criminal law assessment in court proceedings on crimes against the life and health of citizens.
  • Forensic psychological examination of legally significant emotional states.
  • Psychological problems of sanity and insanity.
  • Actual problems of complex forensic psychological and psychiatric expertise.
  • Psychology of participants in the civil process.
  • Psychological characteristics of the lawyer at various stages of communication with the client.
  • Psychology of criminal liability.
  • Psychological personality traits of violent criminals.
  • Psychological rubb offender.
  • Typology of serial killers.
  • Victim behavior.
  • Psychological features of the professional activity of a lawyer (with reference to a particular legal profession).
  • Psychological aspects of professional communication lawyer.
  • Psychology of interrogation.