Types of essay

Unlike many other types of work, an essay is an artistic composition. Generally speaking, all essays can be divided into 2 types: written by request and written by necessity. The second type is when the essay is written on the instructions of the teacher. Then the student is in some kind of framework in form and content. We wrote about this in the article “What is an essay? “. But regardless of these two types, all essays are divided according to other criteria.

In terms of content, essays are:

  • Philosophical – in them the author expresses a deep personal understanding of the meaning of life and death, etc.
  • Literary-critical – the author analyzes the work with an emphasized subjectivity.
  • Scientifically publicistic – such essays are similar to essay.
  • Artistic – often such essays carry the features of a work of art (short story, story, essay, etc.)

According to the literary form they appear as:

  • Reviews are a deep analysis of a work (book, film, performance, etc.)
  • Notes – a personal appeal in an informal style.
  • Diary pages – reflections on the topic in an informal style.
  • Letters – to a friend, potential reader, politician, artist, etc.

There are also the following types:

  • Descriptive – most often tells the reader how to perform a particular task.
  • Causal – in such essays, the author is trying to figure out why this or that event happened.
  • Comparing – here the author compares two or more objects.
  • Analytical – all thoughts are built on the analysis of something, its analysis.

In fact, the types of essays are vast. To learn to write in this genre, there is no need to learn them all, to understand the structure of the essay, and the like. Sometimes it is much easier to order this work from us. It is cheap and does not take much time. Moreover, you can not worry about uniqueness – all works are checked by anti-plagiarism.