What are control lines in computer architecture?

What are control lines in computer architecture?

It is the control bus that regulates which direction the write and read information need to go. The control bus contains a control line for write instructions and a control line for read instructions. When the CPU writes data to the main memory, it transmits a signal to the write command line.

What are the different types of control lines?


  • Read ( ). A single line that when active (logic zero) indicates the device is being read by the CPU.
  • Write ( ). A single line that when active (logic zero) indicates the device is being written by the CPU.
  • Byte enable ( ). A group of lines that indicate the size of the data (8, 16, 32, 64 bytes).

What is the function of control line?

Control line (also called U-Control) is a simple and light way of controlling a flying model aircraft. The aircraft is connected to the operator by a pair of lines, attached to a handle, that work the elevator of the model. This allows the model to be controlled in the pitch axis.

How many lines are there in control bus?

Most system buses are typically composed of between 50 and 100 separate physical lines for communication.

What are the control signals?

A pulse or frequency of electricity or light that represents a control command as it travels over a network, a computer channel or wireless. In the data communications world, control signals typically travel the same path as the data either as separate packets or contained within the data packets.

What is address line in computer?

An address line usually refers to a physical connection between a CPU and memory. It specifies which address to access in the memory. For an ‘n’ bit address line, we can access 2n memory locations.

What are the 3 parts of the von Neumann computer architecture?

1 The von Neumann architecture. The “classical” von Neumann architecture consists of main memory, a central-processing unit (CPU) or processor or core, and an interconnection between the memory and the CPU.

What is building line and control line?

Building line refers to the front line up to which the building can lawfully extend. it is also called as set- back or font building line. a minimum distance of this building line from the center line of the accompanying road is laid down as the limit beyond which no construction is allowed towards the road.

What are address lines and data lines?

While the data lines convey bits from one device to another, control lines determine the direction of data flow, and when each device can access the bus. Address lines determine the location of the source or destination of the data.

Why are control signals used?

Control signals are the output of learning and processing block, which are sent to different output interfaces to produce desired output in the real physical world. These signals can derive various output devices like motors, speakers, and displays etc. as per requirement of task & robot.

What are timing and control signals?

Timing and Control. Ans: The timing for all registers in the basic computer is controlled by a master clock generator. The clock pulses are applied to all flip-flops and registers in the system, including the flip-flops and registers in the control unit.

What is control system architecture in industrial control?

Control System Architecture. Control system architecture can range from simple local control to highly redundant distributed control systems. Reliability criteria for industrial facilities dictate the application of redundant or distributed control systems or programmable logic controllers.

Who invented the control line?

The name most associated with the inventions and promotion of control line, and the inventor of the formerly patented system known as “U-Control” (which was a trademark, and is the system in use on virtually every two-line control line model today) was Nevilles E. “Jim” Walker.

What is U-control line?

Control line (also called U-Control) is a simple and light way of controlling a flying model aircraft. The aircraft is connected to the operator by a pair of lines, attached to a handle, that work the elevator of the model.

What are the output lines of a computer matrix?

These output lines are connected to the inputs of the matrix that generates control signals for executive units of the computer.