What are examples of conditioned reflexes?
In classical conditioning, a conditioned response is a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus. For example, the smell of food is an unconditioned stimulus, a feeling of hunger in response to the smell is an unconditioned response, and the sound of a whistle when you smell the food is a conditioned stimulus.
What is conditioned salivary secretion?
Human subjects have been conditioned to secrete saliva in response to sounding a buzzer and switching on a light. Orange juice injected onto the dorsum of the tongue was used as the unconditioned stimulus during the conditioning sequences.
Is salivating at food a reflex action?
Because salivary secretion is a nerve-mediated reflex, when the autonomic nerve supply is interrupted, secretion from most glands ceases almost entirely. However, a spontaneous secretion from a few salivary glands is maintained in the absence of nerve-mediated stimuli.
What are conditioned reflex actions?
A conditioned reflex, also known as a conditioned response, is an acquired response in which the subject (which can be a human or other animal) learns to associate a previously unrelated neutral stimulus with a different stimulus that elicits some kind of reaction.
Is salivation a conditioned response?
Salivation is one such conditioned reflex; it occurs only when a person is conscious of the presence of food or when one imagines food.
Is sneezing a conditioned reflex?
Option B: Secretion of saliva is normally an unconditioned reflex but it was seen in Pavlov’s experiment that this reflex can also be a conditioned reflex. Therefore, this is the correct option. Option C: Sneezing reflex is an unconditioned reflex.
Is cycling a conditioned reflex?
Learning of dancing, cycling, singing, swimming and driving are conditioned reflexes.
Is coughing a conditioned reflex?
Sneezing, coughing, and gagging are similar reflexes in response to foreign bodies in the nose and throat, and the wink reflex helps protect the eyes from injury. A conditioned reflex is one acquired as the result of experience.
Is knee jerk a conditioned reflex?
Option A: Knee jerk is an unconditioned reflex.
Is swimming a conditioned reflex?
Learning of dancing, cycling, singing, swimming and driving are conditioned reflexes.
Is vomiting an example of conditioned reflex?
A conditioned acquired reflex is also called an acquired reflex. Vomiting and salivation are examples of a conditioned acquired reflex. Stay tuned with BYJU’S to learn more about reflex action, the action of nerves, monosynaptic reflexes, polysynaptic reflexes and other related topics.