What are the 3 stages of the looking-glass self process?

What are the 3 stages of the looking-glass self process?

There are three main components of the looking-glass self: First, we imagine how we must appear to others. Second, we imagine the judgment of that appearance. Finally, we develop our self through the judgments of others.

What are the 3 elements of looking-glass self?

Cooley distinguished three “principal elements” of the looking-glass self: “the imagination of our appearance to the other person; the imagination of his [sic] judgment of that appearance; and some sort of self-feeling, such as pride or mortification.” Much of the time, Cooley thought, our experience of self is an …

What is Cooley’s concept of the looking-glass self?

Charles Horton Cooley, in his work, Human nature and the Order, introduced the concept of “the looking glass self” in 1902. It can be explained as the reflection of what we think we appear in front of others or how we are viewed and conceived by others. Cooley used the term to explain the process of socialization.

What is the looking-glass self examples?

In this way, social interaction acts as a “mirror” or a “looking-glass,” since one’s sense of self and self esteem is built off of others. For example, an individual may walk into a job interview with confidence and attempt to display this confidence.

What is an example of looking-glass self?

What is the difference between Mead and Cooley theory?

difference is that Mead defined the self in terms of reflexivity and Cooley defined it in terms of self-feeling.

What are the three activities that develop the self?

According to Mead, three activities develop the self: language, play, and games.

  • Language develops self by allowing individuals to respond to each other through symbols, gestures, words, and sounds.
  • Play develops self by allowing individuals to take on different roles, pretend, and express expectation of others.

What are the steps in the Looking Glass Self?

Cooley takes into account three steps when using “the looking glass self”. Step one is how one imagines one looks to other people. Step two is how one imagines the judgment of others based on how one thinks they view them.

What is the Looking-Glass Self Theory?

The looking-glass self theory states that a person’s thoughts and feelings about themselves are formed based on the responses of others. These responses can be real or perceived; however, both can impact a person’s image of themselves.

What is the third stage of self-love?

In time, we reach a third stage of self-love. It is the stage of ‘ I am enough ’. It’s characterized by inner confidence and contentment. There is no more struggling to be liked or accepted, no more trying to justify or validate ourselves. It is the stage of authenticity.

What are the three steps in self-evaluation?

This happens through three major steps. First, one must imagine how he/she appears to others, be it family, friends, or any random person being encountered. Second, one imagines how he/she must be evaluated based on the way one is observed by others.