What are the blue swirls in GTA Chinatown Wars?

What are the blue swirls in GTA Chinatown Wars?

There are two randomly placed Lions of Fo out of 20 possible locations. Before being made available, their possible locations are represented in-game by swirling blue dots on the ground – these do not serve any other purpose. The Lions can only be found after completing the mission Salt in the Wound.

How many missions does GTA Chinatown Wars have?

65 missions
There are a total of 65 missions in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. (58 main missions, 5 extras in PSP version, and 2 downloadables).

What is the last mission in GTA Chinatown Wars?

Salt in the Wound
Salt in the Wound is the final storyline mission given to Huang Lee by Wade Heston in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.

Is GTA Chinatown Wars better than San Andreas?

By comparison, GTA Chinatown Wars operates on an almost 2D plane, with the camera being seen from a bird’s eye view. In terms of visuals, GTA San Andreas is the better game. It also has a far more robust modding scene, as GTA San Andreas has one of the most lively modding scenes out of any GTA game.

How long does it take to finish GTA Chinatown Wars?

When focusing on the main objectives, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is about 9½ Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 25 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How many safehouses are in GTA Chinatown Wars?

21 safehouses
Owning all 21 safehouses will reward the player with the Jeweled Key to the City and a step closer to 100% completion.

How many missions is there in GTA 5?

69 Main
There are 69 Main Missions in GTA 5.

How many missions are in GTA Liberty City Stories?

70 missions
This is a list of missions featured in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. In total, there are 70 missions.

Which GTA has the longest story?

San Andreas
The longest game in the series is the popular San Andreas. In this title, players are put into the shoes of CJ as he returns to the place he grew up, getting involved with the local gangs in the process. The story has gang warfare, betrayal, and plenty of shootouts.

How long to beat GTA 4 Lost and the Damned?

When focusing on the main objectives, Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned is about 7 Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 17½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Does GTA 5 ever end?

There are three endings players can get in GTA 5. One ending features Michael dying at the end of the game. Another ending features Trevor dead at the end of the game. And the third and final ending results in none of the three protagonists (the third being Franklin) dead.

How old is Franklin GTA 5?

Franklin Clinton was born in 1988, which would make him 24 or 25 in GTA 5 and 32 or 33 in GTA Online’s The Contract.