What are the comparative studies?

What are the comparative studies?

Comparative studies are investigations to analyze and evaluate, with quantitative and qualitative methods, a phenomenon and/or facts among different areas, subjects, and/or objects to detect similarities and/or differences.

What is the purpose of comparative study?

The major aim of comparative research is to identify similarities and differences between social entities. Comparative research seeks to compare and contrast nations, cultures, societies, and institutions.

How do you Analyse comparative studies?

There are two main approaches to organizing a comparative analysis:

  1. Alternating (point-by-point) method: Find similar points between each subject and alternate writing about each of them.
  2. Block (subject-by-subject) method: Discuss all of the first subject and then all of the second.

How comparative studies are useful for research?

Comparative research differs from non-comparative work in that it attempts to reach conclusions beyond single cases and explains differences and similarities between objects of analysis and relations between objects against the backdrop of their contex- tual conditions.

Is comparative research experimental?

Causal-comparative research is an alternative to experimental and quasi-experimental designs, but the distinction with experimental research is an important one. In general, experimental designs involve some manipulation by the researcher of a causal intervention or treatment of some kind.

Is a comparative study experimental?

Although causal-comparative research is not true experimental research, there are many methods of analyzing the resulting data, depending on the research design. It is important to remember that no matter what methods are used, causal-comparative research does not definitively prove cause-and-effect results.

What is comparative experiment?

Comparative experiments are designed to determine the differences between different forms of treatments. A comparative experiment includes two or more different treatment types. For example, scientists might already know that drug A works at improving short-term memory in mice.

What is the difference between a controlled and comparative experiment?

Control refers to holding constant all of the other variables that could affect the outcome. For example, a comparative experiment comparing the effects of two diets of different nutritional value on the growth of mice should ensure that the mice eat at the same time, regardless of which diet they are assigned to eat.

What is comparative research design?

Comparative research essentially compares two groups in an attempt to draw a conclusion about them. Researchers attempt to identify and analyze similarities and differences between groups, and these studies are most often cross-national, comparing two separate people groups.

What is comparative experiment in statistics?

Simple comparative experiments are those in which we compare two conditions or treatments. A comparative. experiment starts with a question or hypothesis that asks how two or mode treatments affect some response.

What is comparative experimental study?

10.2. Types of Comparative Studies. Experimental studies are one type of comparative study where a sample of participants is identified and assigned to different conditions for a given time duration, then compared for differences.

What are the characteristics of comparative research?

In comparative research, data are collected primarily by observation, and the goal is to determine similarities and differences that are related to the particular situation or environment of the two groups. These similarities and differences are identified through qualitative observation methods.