What are the dates for deer season in Georgia?

What are the dates for deer season in Georgia?

Official Georgia Deer Season Dates

Archery, Either Sex Statewide September 11, 2021 – January 9, 2022
Primitive Weapons October 9, 2021 – January 9, 2022
Firearms* October 16, 2021 – January 9, 2022

When did deer season end in Georgia?

Species Dates
Big Game Deer Sept. 11 – Jan. 9
Sept. 11 – Jan. 31
Oct. 9 – Jan. 9
Oct. 16 – Jan. 9

Is buckshot illegal in GA?

Firearm Restrictions Some firearm and ammo changes: While it used to only be legal on dog-deer hunts, buckshot may now be used on WMAs when hunting appropriate species (such as deer or bear) and consistent with state law. Hunters may also use suppressed or silenced firearms on WMAs.

What hunting season is it in GA right now?

2021–2022 Georgia Hunting Season Dates

Species: Season:
Turkey Statewide Special Opportunity Youth/ Mobility Impaired Apr. 2–May 15 (2022) Mar. 26–27 (2022)
Alligator Zone & Quota Limited Aug. 20 (sunset)–Oct. 4 (sunrise)
Crows Statewide Nov. 6–Feb. 28
Dove Statewide Sept. 4–Oct. 10 Nov. 20–28 Dec. 19–31

Is deer hunting season over in Georgia?

The wait is almost over because the Georgia deer firearms season opens Sat., Oct. 16 and continues through Jan. 9, 2022 statewide.

Can you hunt deer with AR 15 in GA?

With a heavier . 223 bullet, accurate shooting, and a good AR-15, outdoors enthusiasts can have a freezer full of venison. “In Georgia,” said U.S. Law Shield Independent Program Attorney Matt Kilgo, “deer may be taken with any modern center-fire rifle that is . 22 caliber or larger when loaded with expanding bullets.