What are the different types of abdominal incisions?

What are the different types of abdominal incisions?

There are various types of abdominal incisions:

  • Vertical incisions: Midline incisions or median incisions: These incisions are made on the midline of your abdomen (belly).
  • Transverse incisions: These incisions cosmetically appear better.
  • Oblique incisions: Several oblique incisions are used for specific organ exposures.

What is abdominal incision?

Incision through the umbilicus has no negative effect on wound healing. The upper abdominal incision gives good access to the viscera in the upper abdomen and this incision can be combined with a thoracotomy for oesophageal surgery. Lower abdominal incisions can also be midline, paramedian or pfannenstiel incisions.

What is abdominal surgeon?

Abdominal surgery treats conditions that affect your abdomen, including the stomach, small intestines, spleen, appendix and the colon (or rectum). Surgery may be needed for a variety of reasons, like infection, tumors, hernia repair or even bowel disease.

What are the types of abdominal incisions?

Joel-Cohen incision. This incision is straight and right above the panty line.

  • Malyard incision. The Malyard incision is even higher on the tummy than the previous incisions.
  • Midline vertical incision (abdominal) This one seems to be rare for sterilization and cesarean section,but not uncommon for hysterectomies.
  • What is an incision through the abdominal wall called?

    The Pfannenstiel is a transverse lower abdominal incision that is made superior to the pubic ridge. Dissection is made through the skin and subcutaneous fat; the anterior rectus sheath is divided transversely. The rectus muscle is open vertically in the midline sparing the muscle fibers from being divided.

    How long does it take for a surgical incision to heal?

    In most cases, a surgical incision heals in about two weeks. More complex surgical incisions will take longer to heal. If you have other medical conditions or are taking certain medications, your healing time may differ.

    How do you treat an infected abdominal incision?

    Prepare the area for changing a dressing. First,you or the caregiver who is changing your dressing needs a clean surface to work on.

  • Removing the old dressing. First,you’ll prepare your new dressing.
  • Cleaning and rinsing the incision. If you are showering,the incision will be cleaned during your shower.
  • Applying a new dressing.