What are the hardest French words to pronounce?

What are the hardest French words to pronounce?

Here, now, are your “Most Challenging French Words To Pronounce,” followed by a recording for you, by Jean-Marc:

  • la rue – street.
  • le yaourt -yogurt.
  • l’écureuil – squirrel.
  • trois – three.
  • dessus and dessous – above and below.
  • Reims – (the French town)
  • heureuse – happy.
  • la cucurbitacée – cucurbit.

What is the most complex French word?

“Serrurerie” The most difficult word in this list, and arguably the most difficult word to pronounce in the French language, a “serrurerie” is a locksmith’s shop.

What words don’t exist in French?

The words in bold are in French and listed in alphabetical order….English nuances lacking in French

  • annuler : cancel, annul, nullify, rescind, void, overrule…
  • effacer : delete, erase, rub out, efface, clear, wipe…
  • escalader : scale, escalade, climb (up), clamber (up), scramble (up)

What are some weird French words?

8 Funny French Words

  • 1) abracadabrantesque. Remember the word abracadabra?
  • 2) cerf-volant. This could be literally translated as “flying deer”, but is actually the translation for “kite”.
  • 3) pamplemousse.
  • 4) sardanapalesque.
  • 5) meugler.
  • 6) vachement.
  • 7) yaourter.
  • 8) machin.

What are some grown-up French words?

In this post, we’ll look at a list of truly grown-up French words, ranging from the tricky, to the slightly naughty, to the very, very French. On y go (an English-inflected French neologism of on y va, or “let’s go”)!

What are some French words that mean slang?

Very French words! Slangy. Argot is French for “slang.” Argotique is its adjectival form. Thomas utilise un langage argotique et parfois j’ai du mal à comprendre ce qu’il dit. (Thomas uses slangy language and sometimes I have trouble understanding what he says.) Naive. The connotation is rather pejorative and condescending.

What are the most difficult French words to pronounce?

Difficult-to-pronounce French words (that roll off the tongue less easily) 1 serrurerie (noun, feminine) 2 quincaillerie (noun, feminine) 3 parallélépipède (noun, masculine)

What are some French verbs you don’t see that often?

French verbs you don’t see that often (but that could very well come in handy) 1 affubler (indirect, transitive) 2 déroger (transitive) 3 écoper (transitive) 4 émoustiller (transitive) More
