What are two types of specialized connective tissue?

What are two types of specialized connective tissue?

Specialized connective tissue types include: dense regular connective tissue, cartilage, bone, adipose tissue, blood, and hematopoietic tissue.

What is connective tissue with special properties?

Special connective tissue consists of reticular connective tissue, adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, and blood. Other kinds of connective tissues include fibrous, elastic, and lymphoid connective tissues. Fibroareolar tissue is a mix of fibrous and areolar tissue.

What are the three special connective tissues?

There are three main groups of connective tissues: loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, and specialized connective tissue.

What are two types of specialized connective tissue that consist of cells in a fluid matrix not a ground substance with fibers )?

Blood and lymph are fluid connective tissues. Cells circulate in a liquid extracellular matrix.

Why is blood a special connective tissue?

The extracellular matrix, called plasma, makes blood unique among connective tissues because it is fluid. This fluid, which is mostly water, perpetually suspends the formed elements and enables them to circulate throughout the body within the cardiovascular system.

What are the two principal types of connective tissue in a muscle quizlet?

What are the two principal types of connective tissue in a muscle? collagen-white fibers that provide structure and support, elastin-yellow fibers that are elastic and flexible.

What are 4 types of connective tissue?

The extracellular matrix between the cells usually includes fibers of one or more types embedded in an amorphous ground substance. Connective tissues are classified into four classes: BLOOD, BONE, CARTILAGE, CONNECTIVE TISSUE PROPER.

Which cell types are found in fibrous connective tissue?

The cells of fibrous connective tissues are fibroblasts, macrophages, leucocytes, plasma cells, mast cells and adipocytes. Fibroblasts are large, flat cells that often taper at the ends and have slender processes. They produce the matrix of the tissue. After which they become inactive and are called fibrocytes.

What two types of connective tissue form blood cells Where are they found and what do each of them form?

Hemopoiesis. Hemopoiesis is the continual production of new blood cells. There are two kinds of hemopoietic tissue: (1) myeloid tissue or bone marrow where RBCs, granular WBCs, platelets, monocytes are produced and (2) lymphatic tissue – thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, where lymphocytes are made.

What are the 2 principal types of connective tissue in a muscle?

What are the 4 classes of connective tissue?

connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone, blood. What are the 4 main classes of connective tissue? binding and supporting – connective tissue proper, areolar binds body parts together while allowing them to move freely over one another, cushions and attaches the skin to underlying structures; protection – adipose tissue, acts as a shock

What are three types of connecting tissue?

– endothelium, mesothelium, and epithelium – ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm – connective tissue, epithelial tissue, and muscle tissue – epidermis, mesoderm, and endothelium

What are the three layers of connective tissue?

Three layers of connective tissue extend from fascia to protect and strengthen skeletal muscle 1. Epimysium -Outer layer -Encircling the entire muscle -Consists of dense irregular connective tissue 2. Perimysium -Layer of dense irregular connective tissue-Surrounds groups of 10-100 or more muscle fibers, separating them into bundles called fascicles-Many fascicles are large enough to see with

What is the basic function of connective tissue?

– Resistance to stretch and tear – Structural support – Insulation – Storage of body fuels – A medium for intercellular exchange