What decile is Orewa College?

What decile is Orewa College?


Orewa College
Gender coeducational
School roll 1899 (March 2022)
Color(s) Green
Socio-economic decile 9Q

What decile is oranga primary?

decile three primary
Decile ratings are used by the Ministry of Education to allocate funding based on the socio-economic status of the school community. The lower the decile rating the more government funding the school receives. At Oranga School, a decile three primary about 1km away from Te Papapa, about one in five students was Pakeha.

What decile is Whangaparaoa College?

decile 9
The decile 9 school serves Years 7 to 13 with a role of 1500 Learners (as at October 2019) including Internationals. Opened officially in 2005, the founding principal was Brian O’Connell, who served until 2012.

What time does Orewa College start?

Class Times

School Hours
8.40am – 9.00am Form Period
9.00am – 10.15am Block 1
10.15am – 10.40am INTERVAL

Is 3rd decile good?

Deciles are similar to quartiles. But while quartiles sort data into four quarters, deciles sort data into ten equal parts: The 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, 90th and 100th percentiles….What is a Decile?

Decile Rank Percentile
3 30th
4 40th
5 50th
6 60th

What does whangaparaoa mean in English?

This marine playground (Whangaparaoa translated from the Maori means: whanga, bay; paraoa, whale) is populated largely by retired Aucklanders and “weekenders” who may swell the numbers to many thousands in the holiday season.

How do you pronounce Whangaparaoa?

Said phonetically, Whangaparāoa is pronounced fhah-ngah-pah-rah-aw-wa, they said.