What details support the main idea?

What details support the main idea?

The main idea and its major supporting details form the basic framework of paragraphs. The major details are the primary points that support the main idea. Paragraphs often contain minor details as well. While the major details explain and develop the main idea, they, in turn are expanded upon the minor supporting details. EXAMPLE: Main Idea

How to identify supporting details?

Supporting Details Process. Use a three-step process to identify supporting details. Step 1: Identify the topic. To identify the topic of a reading, ask yourself, “What is this about?” The answer provides the topic of the reading. It does not need to be a complete sentence, and it is usually no longer than two or three words. Step 2: Identify

How do you identify supporting details?

A U.S. intelligence community assessment obtained by Yahoo News concluded that the Russian government is providing “indirect and passive support” to neofascist U.S. officials are scrambling to identify and track American white supremacists who

What are some examples of supporting details?

Add description. Descriptive details often include the five senses.

  • Add vocabulary. Encourage domain-specific terms followed by a definition detail using phrases like This means. . . or A synonym for this is. . .
  • Add proof.
  • Add voices.
  • Add explanation.
  • Add importance.
  • What is main idea and supporting idea?

    tooth brush,floss,paste,paper clip

  • chocolate chips,flour,measuring cup,math cube
  • playing card,dice,a game piece,piece of candy
  • water colors,scissors,a marker,penny
  • How to explain the main point through supporting details?

    – Define the term ‘main idea’ – Explain the concept of ‘supporting details’ – Identify the main idea and supporting details in story examples – Compare and contrast plot and theme

    What are major supporting details?

    The update introduces a new sleep coaching program, new body composition insights and a new advanced interval training aimed at cyclists as well as runners. The company has also launched a new line of stylish straps for the users.