What detectors can be used with gas chromatography?

What detectors can be used with gas chromatography?

Gas chromatography detectors


Is thermal conductivity detector used in gas chromatography?

Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) is a detector used in gas chromatography (GC) to analyse inorganic gases (such as argon, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide) and small hydrocarbon molecules. The TCD compares the thermal conductivity of two gas flows, the pure carrier (reference) gas and the sample.

Which detector is based on electrical conductivity of gases?

The thermal conductivity detector (TCD), also known as a katharometer, is a bulk property detector and a chemical specific detector commonly used in gas chromatography.

Which detector is used in gas chromatography 2 points?

Explanation: Flame ionization detector has high sensitivity to all organic compounds. It is the commonly used detector for gas chromatography.

Which detector is used in gas chromatography Mcq?

TCD(thermal conductivity detector /hot – wire detector):- based on a principal that thermal conductivity will vary with the composition of GC.

Which is not a common detector for gas chromatography?

Refractive index detector is not a common datector for gas chromatography because it is used in HPLC.

How does a TCD detector work?

TCD works by having two parallel tubes both containing gas and heating coils. The gases are examined by comparing the heat loss rate from the heating coils into the gas. Normally one tube holds a reference gas and the sample to be tested is passed through the other.

How many types of GC detectors are there?

This 8610C GC is equipped with ECD, FID, FPD, PID, and DELCD detectors. All five detectors may be operated and the results viewed simultaneously with our six channel USB PeakSimple data system.

What is an electrolytic conductivity detector?

The electrolytic conductivity detector (ELCD) is a destructive, mass-sensitive selective detector. Its main use is for regulated methods designed for selective detection of halogen-containing compounds. The ELCD consists of three principal components: the reactor assembly, the cell-solvent assembly, and the detector controller.

What is the specific conductivity of an electrolyte?

The specific electrolytic conductivity (κ) of electrolyte solutions is proportional to the electric charge ( z ), the concentration ( c ), and the mobility ( u) of ionic carriers as expressed in the equation where F is the Faraday constant. The basic quantity of theoretical interest is the specific molar conductivity (Λ), which is also given by

What is ElCD detector used for?

An electrolytic conductivity detector (ELCD) can be used as a selective detector for halogen-, sulphur-, and nitrogen-containing compounds. The selectivity is determined by the products formed in the detector reactor, the scrubber used, and the chemical properties of the electrolyte.

How is the selectivity of an electrolyte determined?

The selectivity is determined by the products formed in the detector reactor, the scrubber used, and the chemical properties of the electrolyte. The reaction furnace is operated under one of the conditions—reductive (hydrogen reaction gas), oxidative (oxygen or air reaction gas), or pyrolytic (inert reaction gas).