What do ders scores mean?

What do ders scores mean?

Difficulties in emotion regulation scale (DERS) Items are rated on a scale of 1 (“almost never [0–10%]”) to 5 (“almost always [91–100%]”). Higher scores indicate more difficulty in emotion regulation. The psychometric properties of the DERS and its subscales are described throughout the manuscript.

What is a high score on the ders?

Total scores range from 36 to 180. There are no standardized clinical cutoffs for this measure, however prior research suggests that the clinical range on the DERS total score varies from averages of approximately 80 to 1278,21.

What is ders questionnaire?

DERS – Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale. The DERS is a brief, 36-item, self-report questionnaire designed to assess multiple aspects of emotion dysregulation. The measure yields a total score as well as scores on six scales derived through factor analysis: 1. Nonacceptance of emotional responses (NONACCEPTANCE)

What ders 18?

The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale Short Form (DERS-SF) (Kaufman et al., 2015) is an 18-item measure used to identify emotional regulation issues in adults.

What is the full form of ders?

The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) is a well validated and widely used self-report measure for assessing emotion regulation problems among adolescents and adults.

What do DERs do?

DERs provide power quality value to distribution systems by modulating their production and/or consumption of power; e.g. providing reactive power to improve voltage profiles on distribution feeders. This capability can reduce energy losses and avoid voltage excursions on distribution feeders.

Is energy efficiency a Der?

These technologies are known as distributed energy resources (DERs). Examples include energy efficiency, energy storage, demand response, electric vehicles, grid-interactive efficient buildings, combined heat and power, and renewable energy such as solar photovoltaics.

What is DG solar?

About Distributed Generation Distributed generation refers to a variety of technologies that generate electricity at or near where it will be used, such as solar panels and combined heat and power.

What is Der in utility?

Distributed energy resources (DER) are electric generation units (typically in the range of 3 kW to 50 MW) located within the electric distribution system at or near the end user. They are parallel to the electric utility or stand-alone units.

What are DERs?

Distributed energy resources, or DERs, are small-scale electricity supply or demand resources that are interconnected to the electric grid. They are power generation resources and are usually located close to load centers, and can be used individually or in aggregate to provide value to the grid.

What is the validity of the Ders?

Validity In a sample of undergraduate students (Gratz & Roemer, 2003) found that the DERS had high internal consistency, good test–retest reliability, and adequate construct and predictive validity.

How reliable are the short form Ders scales?

Table ​Table33provides the internal consistency of each short form subscale (Cronbach’s alpha) and their association with the corresponding original DERS subscale (Pearson correlation). The short forms generally showed adequate reliability and good concordance with the original subscale, with Awareness performing somewhat worse, as expected.

What is a good score on the Ders?

As such, total scores on the DERS can range from 36 to 180. The DERS has been found to demonstrate good test-retest reliability (ρI= .88, p< .01) and adequate construct and predictive validity (Gratz & Roemer, 2004; Gratz & Tull, 2010). Items were recoded so that higher scores indicate greater emotion dysregulation, and a sum was calculated.

What does the Ders measure?

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) is an instrument measuring emotion regulation problems. The 36 items self-report scale asks respondents how they relate to their emotions in order to produce scores on the following subscales. Nonacceptance of emotional responses